Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[pos.mén] | ڤوسمين

Definisi : (posmén) pekerja pos yg ditugaskan menghantar bungkusan, surat, dll. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[pos.mén] | ڤوسمين

Definisi : /posmén/ pekerja pos yg tugasnya menghantar dan memungut surat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata posmen

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

postman n posmen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mailmann (US) posmen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bark1~ at, a. (of dog) menyalak: the dog ~ed at the postman, anjing menyalak posmen itu; b. (of person) menengking, mengherdik, membentak: he ~ed at them unkindly, dia menengking mereka dgn kasar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
slotn 1. groove in a machine etc, lubang /alur, selit/: the postman drops the mail through a ~ in the door, posmen memasukkan surat melalui lubang alur pd pintu itu; I put a coin in the ~ before dialling, saya membubuh duit syiling dlm lubang alur sebelum mendail;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
muzzlevt 1. memberangus: they had to ~ the dog after it bit the postman, mereka terpaksa memberangus anjing itu setelah anjing itu menggigit posmen; 2. (fig.) memberangus, mengongkong: to ~ the press, mengongkong akhbarKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
snarl 1 vi 1. ( of animal) menderam, menggeram: the dog ~ed when it saw the postman, anjing itu menderam apabila ternampak posmen; 2. (of person) membengkeng;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sink he sank his knife into the tender meat, dia membenamkan pisaunya ke daging yg lembut itu; the dog sank his teeth into the postman’s leg, anjing itu membenamkan giginya pd kaki posmen itu; the heads of the screw are sunk below the surface of the panelling, kepala skru dibenamkan di bawah permukaan panel;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bitevt 1. seize or attack with the teeth, sting, etc, menggigit; (accidentally) tergigit; (of snake) mematuk, menggigit: the dog bit the postman, anjing menggigit posmen itu; the mosquito bit him on the arm, nyamuk menggigit lengannya; she is biting her nails, dia sedang menggigit kukunya; I bit my tongue, saya tergigit lidah; 2. cause to smart, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke: the cold wind bit our faces, angin sejuk menusuk-nusuk ke muka kami; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]: pepper ~s the tongue, lada sulah memedaskan lidah; 3. corrode, memakan: acid ~s metal, asid memakan logam; 4. take firm hold of, grip, mencengkam: we need a clamp to ~ the wood, kami memerlukan pengapit utk mencengkam kayu itu; 5. (sl), (usu in pass.) deceive, terpedaya: she got bitten in a mail-order swindle, dia terpedaya dlm penipuan pesanan melalui pos;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
round3. regular journey or visits in o’s work, [various translations]; (colloq) raun: the postman’s daily ~ takes him to various parts of the town, tugas setiap hari posmen itu memerlukan dia pergi ke merata tempat bandar itu; the doctor is doing his ~s, doktor sedang melawat pesakit di wad; 4. stage in a game, competition, etc, pusingan: they played several ~s of poker, mereka bermain pakau beberapa pusingan; he entered the final ~ of the tournament, dia memasuki pusingan akhir kejohanan itu; each ~ in a boxing match lasts three minutes,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dashn 1. rush, meluru, berlari; make a ~, meluru, berlari: to make a ~ for cover, meluru mencari perlindungan; the dog made a ~ at the postman, anjing itu meluru ke arah posmen itu; 2. small admixture, splash, sedikit: a ~ of vinegar, sedikit cuka; a ~ of red, sedikit warna merah; 3. sudden burst, splash, (of water) simbahan, menyimbah: a ~ of cold water will revive him, simbahan air akan menyedarkannya semula; 4. sound of water striking, a. (of wave, sea, etc) desau, deburan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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