cut-off | n 1. termination, pemotongan; ~ point, titik potong; 2. (electr) potong: ~ frequency, frekuensi potong; 3. channel across neck of ox-bow, liku terpenggal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ up, dapat /dipotong-potong, dikerat-kerat/; (into very small pieces) dapat dicencang: this wood ~s up easily, kayu ini dapat dipotong-potong dgn mudah; ~ st up, separate st into parts, /memotong-motong, mengerat-ngerat/ sst; (into very small pieces) mencencang; ~ so. up, (act.) menyedihkan sso; (pass.) sso sedih: he was ~ up after his parents’ divorce, dia sedih selepas ibu bapanya bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hewn | adj 1. roughly cut up, sudah dipotong-potong: ~ logs, balak yg sudah dipotong-potong; 2. roughly dressed, kemas: ~ stone, batu kemas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dismembered | adj telah /dipotong-potong, dikerat-kerat, dipenggal-penggal/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cutter | n 1. (in tailoring) tukang /potong, gunting/ pakaian; 2. (tool) pemotong: wire ~, pemotong wayar; hay ~, pemotong jerami; 3. one-masted sailing vessel, perahu layar, sekoci; 4. ship’s boat, perahu penyelamat; 5. (of pastry) penerap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | n 1. gash, wound, luka: there was a deep ~ in her leg, terdapat luka yg dalam di kakinya; 2. piece cut off, potong: a prime ~ of beef, sepotong daging lembu yg terpilih; 3. act of removing a part, pemotongan; (in surgery) pembedahan: one can make a clean ~ if the knife is sharp, kita boleh membuat pemotongan yg kemas jika pisau yg digunakan itu tajam; several ~s must be made before the film is screened, beberapa pemotongan hendaklah dibuat sebelum filem itu ditayangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | n 1. long, thin piece of sawn timber, papan; 2. flat piece of wood etc used for specif purpose, papan: cutting ~, papan potong; diving ~, papan junam; ironing ~, papan seterika; 3. meals supplied at contract price etc, makanan: free ~, makanan percuma; ~ and lodging, makanan dan penginapan; 4. administrative group, any committee or council, lembaga: ~ of directors, lembaga pengarah; ~ of trustees, lembaga pemegang amanah; a selection ~, lembaga pemilih; a ~ meeting, mesyuarat lembaga; 5. notice-board, papan kenyataan; 6. blackboard, papan hitam; 7. stiff cardboard etc, for the outside covers of book, papan kertas; 8. (in indoor games) papan: draught ~, papan dam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | b. experience or suffer st, kena + v stem: she had her handbag snatched in the market, beg tangannya kena renggut di pasar; he had his right arm amputated in the war, tangan kanannya kena potong dlm perang itu; ~ to do with, a. be concerned with, tentang, mengenai, berkenaan dengan: this book has to do with the American Civil War, buku ini tentang Perang Saudara Amerika; b. also ~ st to do with, be causally related to, /(ada) kena-mengena, bersangkut paut, bertalian/ dgn: his sickness must ~ st to do with the food he ate yesterday, sakitnya mesti ada kena-mengena dgn makanan yg dimakannya semalam; I refuse to ~ anything to do with the project, saya tdk mahu bersangkut paut apa pun dgn projek itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleece | vt 1. (colloq) a. swindle by tricking, ( act.) menipu; (pass.) kena tipu, ditipu; b. swindle by overcharging, (act.) memotong leher; (pass.) kena potong leher, dipotong leher: the souvenir shops along the waterfront really ~ tourists, kedai-kedai cenderamata di tepi pantai betul-betul memotong leher para pelancong; 2. shear, mengetam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | adv 1. (colloq) quite well, elok, baik: he’s going away for a week and that suits me ~, dia akan pergi selama seminggu dan ini elok bagi saya; 2. finely, halus-halus: cut up the vegetables very ~, potong sayur itu halus-halus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |