track record | n (fig.) rekod prestasi: his firm has the best ~ in the business, syarikatnya mempunyai rekod prestasi yg paling baik dlm perniagaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
performance appraisal | n penilaian prestasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expected | adj dijangka: ~ performance, prestasi yg dijangka; the group’s ~ profit, keuntungan kumpulan yg dijangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erratic | adj tdk menentu: the disease followed an ~ course, penyakit itu berkembang secara tdk menentu; the car’s performance is rather ~, prestasi kereta itu agak tdk menentu; his behaviour has been quite ~, kelakuannya agak tdk menentu; an ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg permainannya tdk menentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
performance | 4. (colloq) instance of bad, distasteful behaviour, berkelakuan: what did you mean by that ~ in front of our guest?, apa maksud kamu berkelakuan begitu di hadapan tetamu kita?; what a~, buruknya /perangai, kelakuan/; 5. ability to operate efficiently, prestasi: the car’s ~ on icy roads, prestasi kereta di jalan yg berais; 6. (colloq) fuss, effort, (kerja) /renyah, cerewet, leceh/: I love eating home-made ice-cream but it’s too much of a ~ to make it, saya suka makan ais krim yg dibuat di rumah tetapi kerja membuatnya terlalu renyah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finding | n 1. st learnt as result of investigation, dapatan: one remarkable ~ was that left-handed children do better at school, satu dapatan yg menghairankan ialah murid-murid kidal mencapai prestasi yg lebih baik di sekolah; 2. (leg.) pendapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correlation | n 1. act, process of correlating, menghubungkaitkan; 2. reciprocal relationship, hubung kait; (math & phys) korelasi: the ~ between performance and reward, hubung kait antara prestasi dgn ganjaran; the ~ between climate and vegetation, hubung kait antara iklim dgn tumbuh-tumbuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perform | vi 1. give a performance, /membuat, memberikan/ persembahan: the pianist ~ed in front of a large audience, pemain piano itu membuat persembahan di hadapan penonton yg ramai; 2. act in the way intended, a. (of car, machine, etc) menunjukkan prestasi: this small but powerful car ~s well on hills, kereta kecil tetapi berkuasa tinggi ini menunjukkan prestasi yg baik di tempat berbukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
performance | n 1. act of carrying out duty, task, etc, pelaksanaan, menjalankan: he was meticulous in the ~ of his duties, dia amat teliti dlm pelaksanaan tugasnya; 2. quality of work done, achievement, prestasi, pencapaian: the firm’s excellent ~ last year, pencapaian firma yg sangat baik tahun lalu; 3. performing in presence of public, persembahan; (of role) persembahan lakonan: the orchestra’s first public ~, persembahan pertama orkestra itu di khalayak ramai; his ~ of Hamlet, persembahan lakonannya sbg Hamlet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | adj 1. very unsatisfactory, buruk, tdk baik: ~ working conditions, keadaan kerja yg buruk; a ~ essay, karangan yg buruk; the treatment was ~, layanan yg diberikan buruk; a ~ performance by the company, prestasi yg buruk oleh syarikat itu; 2. unfavourable, unpleasant, buruk: a ~ dream, mimpi yg buruk; ~ effects, kesan-kesan buruk; a ~ experience, pengalaman buruk; a ~ influence, pengaruh buruk; I have ~ news for you, saya ada berita buruk utk kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |