exacting | adj berat tuntutannya: an ~ supervisor, penyelia yg berat tuntutannya; the airline’s ~ safety standards, piawai keselamatan syarikat penerbangan itu yg berat tuntutannya; nursing is an ~ profession, kejururawatan ialah satu profesion yg berat tuntutannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrant | n 1. person who enters a profession or exam, (orang yg) masuk: he is one of the most recent ~s to the legal profession, dia antara orang yg paling baru masuk profesion perundangan; 2. person who enters a competition, contest, peserta: there are fifteen ~s for the beauty contest, ada lima belas peserta utk pertandingan ratu cantik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hat | /pass, send/ the ~ round, /mengutip, memungut/ derma; raise o’s ~ to, take o’s ~ off to, a. mengangkat topi utk memberi hormat pd; b. (fig.) angkat topi pd: I take my ~ off to these women who have made it to the top in a male-dominated profession, saya angkat topi pd wanita-wanita ini yg telah berjaya dlm profesion yg dikuasai oleh kaum lelaki; talk through o’s ~, (sl) merepek(-repek). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethic | n 1. system of moral principles or values, etika: the Christian ~, etika Kristian; 2. (in pl)science that deals with morals, (ilmu) etika; 3. (in pl)moral rules or principles of behaviour, etika: he has acted contrary to the ~s of the profession, dia bertindak bertentangan dgn etika profesion; code of ~s, kod etika; 4. moral correctness or fitness, salah betulnya: the ~s of such a course of action does seem doubtful, salah betulnya tindakan begitu agak disangsikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |