credibility | n kebolehpercayaan: the government will lose its ~ if these projects fail, kebolehpercayaan kerajaan akan hilang jika projek-projek ini gagal; lack ~, sukar dipercayai: the story lacks ~, cerita itu sukar dipercayai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contribute | vi 1. donate, menyumbang: they ~d to the cancer fund, mereka menyumbang kpd tabung kanser; 2. supply ideas, articles, effort, etc, menyumbangkan + approp n: many people have ~d to the dictionary project, ramai orang yg telah menyumbangkan tenaga thdp projek kamus itu; she ~s to the newspaper every week, dia menyumbangkan artikel kpd surat khabar itu setiap minggu; 3. be partly responsible, merupakan antara sebab: his wife’s extravagance ~d to his financial difficulties, sifat boros isterinya merupakan antara sebab yg menimbulkan masalah kewangannya; the parents’ participation ~d to the success of these school projects, penglibatan ibu bapa merupakan antara sebab kejayaan projek-projek sekolah ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | the word ~, projek itu gagal sejak mula lagi; how are things ~ing?, bagaimana keadaan sekarang? keep ~ing, terus + approp v: although his foot was injured he kept ~ing, walaupun kakinya cedera dia terus mendaki; what so. says ~es, (colloq) apa yg dikatakannya mesti diturut; who ~es there?, siapa di sana?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consume | the project ~s a great deal of his time, projek itu memakan banyak masanya; the country ~s much of what it produces, negara itu banyak menggunakan hasil keluarannya; these extravagances soon ~d his fortune, pembaziran begini akhirnya menghabiskan hartanya; 3. destroy by burning, habis /dijilat, dimakan/: the fire ~d a whole block of offices, seluruh blok pejabat habis dijilat api; 4. (often in pass.) overwhelm, dilanda: she was ~d with envy, dia dilanda perasaan iri hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
financially | adv dr segi kewangan: a project that is not ~ viable, projek yg tdk berdaya maju dr segi kewangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cost | vi incur expenditure, menelan belanja: the highway project ~s too much, projek lebuh raya ini menelan belanja yg begitu banyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benefit | vt /memberi, mendatangkan/ /faedah, manfaat/ kpd, menguntungkan: the irrigation project will ~ the farmers, projek tali air itu akan mendatangkan faedah kpd petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
groundwork | n persediaan asas: the ~ for the project took a long time to complete, persediaan asas bagi projek itu mengambil masa yg panjang utk menyelesaikannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | ~ and soul, (seluruh) jiwa raga: he flung himself into the project ~ and soul, dia menceburkan diri dlm projek itu dgn seluruh jiwa raganya; heavenly bodies, cakerawala; keep ~ and soul together, menyara hidup: she hardly earns enough to keep ~ and soul together, pendapatannya hampir tdk mencukupi utk menyara hidup; to have ~, (of wine, whisky, etc), (full-bodied) sedap dan berperisa; (strong) kuat perisanya; in a ~, bersama-sama, dlm satu kelompok: they marched to the town hall in a ~, mereka berjalan bersama-sama ke dewan bandaran; over my dead ~, langkah mayatku dulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entail | vt 1. involve, require, memerlukan, melibatkan: your project ~s a great deal of research, projek tuan memerlukan banyak penyelidikan; 2. (leg.) menghadturunkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |