fill | n 1. full supply, sepenuh + approp n ref to container: a ~ of tobacco, tembakau sepenuh paip; another ~ of petrol, petrol sepenuh tangki lagi; 2. earth etc used to fill cavity, bahan /tambak, timbus/; /eat, drink, etc/ o’s ~, /makan, minum, dll/ /sepuas-puasnya, sampai puas, semahu-mahunya, sekenyang-kenyangnya, sampai kenyang/; have o’s ~ of /so., st/, /muak, puas/ dgn /sso, sst/, /muak, puas/ + approp v, puas + approp adj: I’ve had my ~ of this bad weather, saya puas dgn cuaca buruk ini; I’ve had my ~ of disappointments, saya puas kecewa or saya puas mengalami kekecewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grievance | n 1. complaint by employee or body of employees, rungutan, sungutan; (leg.) kilanan: their ~s against the management are not altogether fair, sungutan mereka thdp pihak pentadbiran tdk semuanya wajar; 2. feeling of resentment, rasa tdk puas hati, ketidakpuasan hati: he has had the same ~ against her for a long time, sudah lama dia menyimpan rasa tdk puas hati terhadapnya; it is not advisable to nurse one’s ~s, memendam rasa tdk puas hati ialah perkara yg tdk baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appease | vt 1. calm, settle, meredakan, menenangkan, menenteramkan: to ~ a mutiny, meredakan pemberontakan; an attempt to ~ the growing dissatisfaction, percubaan utk menenangkan rasa tdk puas hati yg memuncak; 2. pacify, allay, a. (person) menenteramkan, menenangkan: to ~ an irate husband, menenangkan suami yg marah; b. (emotion) meredakan: soft words to ~ the wrath of the king, kata-kata yg lemah lembut untuk meredakan kemurkaan raja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beam | vi 1. shine, memancar, bersinar, menyorot: the sun ~s overhead, matahari memancar tegak di atas kepala; 2. smile radiantly, tersenyum berseri-seri: he ~ed with satisfaction, dia tersenyum berseri-seri krn puas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contented | adj 1. (satisfied with o’s lot) berpuas hati; (quite happy) bahagia: a ~ man, lelaki yg berpuas hati; be ~ with st, berpuas hati dgn sst; 2. suggesting, characterized by satisfaction, bahagia; (of look, smile, etc) menunjukkan rasa puas (hati): a ~ life, kehidupan yg penuh kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explode | vi 1. burst loudly and violently, meletup; (of bomb, missile, etc) meledak, meletup; (of firework) meletup, meletus: he was killed when the petrol tank ~d, dia terbunuh apabila tangki minyak itu meletup; the home-made bomb ~d, injuring seven people, bom buatan sendiri itu meletup, mencederakan tujuh orang; 2. (of thunder) berdentum; 3. erupt, meledak, meletus: the growing discontent might one day ~ into a general uprising, rasa tdk puas hati ini mungkin pd suatu nanti meledak menjadi kebangkitan umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breeder | n 1. person causing the propagation (of cattle, sheep, etc) pembiak baka; 2. st that reproduces (to excess) (binatang yg) mudah /membiak, berkembang biak/: rabbits are ~s, arnab ialah binatang yg mudah membiak; 3. animal kept for breeding purposes, baka utk pembiakan; 4. source, cause, punca: a ~ of discontent, punca rasa tdk puas hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guarantee | vt 1. take responsibility for debt, obligation, etc, menjamin: we ~ the completion of the project within the specified time, kami menjamin penyiapan projek itu dlm masa yg ditentukan; he ~d his son’s debts, dia menjamin hutang anak lelakinya; the manufacturer ~s these machines against mechanical failure for two years, pengilang menjamin jentera-jentera ini drpd kerosakan mekanikal selama dua tahun; 2. secure, menjamin [sso] mendapat: buying a ticket doesn’t ~ you a seat, membeli tiket tdk menjamin kamu mendapat tempat duduk; 3. (colloq) promise, jamin: I ~ that he will be satisfied, saya jamin dia akan puas hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |