lap 2 | n ,b>1. one circuit around race course, pusingan: they had done three ~s when the horse stumbled, mereka sudah membuat tiga pusingan semasa kuda itu tersungkur; 2. part of a journey, bahagian: the first ~ was rather monotonous, pd bahagian awal agak membosankan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
final | n 1. a. last game between two remaining contestants, perlawanan akhir: the World Cup F~, Perlawanan Akhir Piala Dunia; b. (in pl) games played in last stage of tournament, /pusingan, peringkat/ akhir: the World Cup F~s, Pusingan Akhir Piala Dunia; 2. (of examination) peperiksaan akhir: the law ~s, peperiksaan akhir undang-undang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circuit | n 1. track for motor racing, litar; 2. regular round, perlitaran: judges who go on ~, hakim-hakim yg melakukan perlitaran; 3. sequence of sporting events, pertandingan litar: international golf ~, pertandingan litar golf antarabangsa; 4. (electr) litar; 5. round journey, pusingan: he managed to run five ~s of the track, dia dapat berlari lima pusingan balapan itu; make a ~ of, mengelilingi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cycle | n 1. orbit, peredaran: the lunar ~, peredaran bulan; 2. repeated sequence, a. (of events) kitaran, pusingan; b. (of seasons) peredaran; 3. completed series of related processes, kitaran: life ~ of a bee, kitaran hayat seekor lebah; 4. (phys) kitaran; ~s per second, kitaran sesaat; 5. bicycle, basikal; ~ track, ~ way, lorong basikal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | into the ~, (colloq) to the point of exhaustion, setengah mati: he worked himself into the ~ to get the job finished in time, dia bekerja setengah mati utk menyiapkan kerja pd masa yg ditetapkan; lose ~, a. (in competition) ketinggalan: in the last lap, he lost ~, dia ketinggalan dlm pusingan akhir; b. (in popularity) hilang pengaruh: the party has lost ~ since the last election, parti itu hilang pengaruh sejak pilihan raya yg lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | ~ so. out, a. exclude so., tdk mengikutsertakan sso: we can ~ John out. He’s not interested in sailing, kita tdk perlu mengikutsertakan John. Dia tdk berminat belayar; b. (boxing) mengisytiharkan selepas membuat kiraan: he was ~ed out in the third round, dia diisytiharkan tewas selepas kiraan dibuat dlm pusingan ketiga; ~ st out, mengira sst: the miser ~ed out his money before putting it back into the safe, si bakhil itu mengira wangnya sebelum memasukkannya ke dlm peti besi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | vi 1. contend in battle, bertempur: Britain and France fought together in both world wars, Britain dan Perancis bertempur bersama-sama dlm kedua-dua peperangan dunia; he fought at the Battle of Waterloo, dia bertempur dlm Pertempuran Waterloo; 2. quarrel, a. (physically) bergaduh, berkelahi, berlawan: the two boys are ~ing over money, kedua-dua budak lelaki itu sedang bergaduh ttg wang; b. (verbally) bertengkar, berkelahi: the lecturers in this department are always ~ing, pensyarah-pensyarah di jabatan ini selalu bertengkar; 3. struggle, berjuang: they fought for independence, mereka berjuang utk kemerdekaan; 4. (boxing) berlawan (tinju): the boxers fought to the last round, petinju-petinju itu berlawan hingga ke pusingan akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | vt 1. do battle with, bertempur dgn: America fought Japan for three years, Amerika bertempur dgn Jepun selama tiga tahun; 2. contend with in physical combat, berlawan: my father fought the burglar with his bare hands, bapa saya berlawan dgn pencuri itu dgn tangan saja; 3. oppose, menentang: the senator fought the bill with determination, senator itu menentang rang undang-undang tersebut dgn penuh keazaman; we are going to ~ the action, kami akan menentang tindakan itu; 4. strive to overcome; a. (disease, social evil) berusaha /menghapuskan, membasmi/, (berusaha) membanteras; b. (fire) melawan; c. (fear, pain) melawan; 5. (in boxing) berlawan (tinju) dgn: he fought the champion until the third round, dia berlawan dgn jaguh itu sehingga pusingan ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |