Co., co. | abbrev (for company) Rakan-Rakan; and co., (colloq) dan rakan-rakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comrade | n 1. (fml) close companion, rakan: ~s in exile, rakan-rakan semasa dlm buangan; 2. (esp in communist and socialist group) komrad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
king | vt; ~ it, (over o’s associates, colleagues, etc) berlaku spt raja (thdp kawan-kawan sso, rakan-rakan sejawat sso, dll). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appellation | n 1. nickname, designation, gelaran, julukan: his schoolmates bestowed on him the ~ “Shorty”, rakan-rakan sekolahnya memberi dia gelaran “Si Pendek”; academic ~s, gelaran akademik; 2. familiar name (of thing) gelar(an): Buckingham Palace is also known by the ~ “Buck House”, Istana Buckingham dikenal juga dgn gelaran “Buck House”; 3. formal name, a. (of person) nama, panggilan: the Society of Friends known throughout the world by the ~ “Quakers”, “Society of Friends” yg terkenal di seluruh dunia dgn nama “Quakers”; b. (of thing) nama: his boat on which he had bestowed the ~ “Nabila”, kapalnya yg telah diberi nama “Nabila”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consult | vi berunding: I shall decide after I have ~ed with my associates, saya akan membuat keputusan selepas saya berunding dgn rakan-rakan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instance | at /so’s ~, the ~ of so./, (fml), (at so’s request) atas permintaan sso: I did it at the ~ of my colleagues, saya melakukannya atas permintaan rakan-rakan sekerja saya; for ~, misalnya, umpamanya, contohnya; in the first ~, (in the first place) pertamanya, pertama-tamanya; (initially) pd /mulanya, mula-mulanya/: we should have made sure the calculations were correct, in the first ~, pertamanya, kita sepatutnya memastikan bahawa kiraan itu betul; in the first ~ we were very happy with the results but later had misgivings, pd mula-mulanya kami gembira dgn keputusan itu, tetapi kemudiannya kami berasa ragu-ragu; in this ~, dlm /perkara, hal/ ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
influence | environment has a great ~ on a person’s character, persekitaran mempunyai pengaruh yg besar thdp perilaku sso; he is a bad ~ on the class, dia membawa pengaruh yg buruk kpd rakan-rakan sedarjahnya; they were under the ~ of drugs when they committed the crime, mereka di bawah pengaruh dadah semasa melakukan jenayah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convivial | adj 1. merry, meriah: a ~ party, majlis yg meriah; 2. jovial, riang; (of person) periang: ~ atmosphere, suasana riang; ~ songs, lagu-lagu riang; ~ companions, rakan-rakan yg periang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head start | n (sports) uca: he was given a ~ in the race, dia diberi uca dlm perlumbaan itu; have a ~ over so., (fig.) mendahului sso: he has a ~ over his classmates because most of them still cannot read, dia mendahului rakan-rakan sedarjahnya krn kebanyakan drpd mereka masih belum tahu membaca. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fellow | adj rakan: he was criticized by his ~ bus drivers for not joining the strike, dia dibidas oleh rakan-rakannya yg juga pemandu krn enggan ikut serta dlm mogok itu; ~ worker, rakan sekerja; ~ /creature, being/, sesama makhluk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |