crowd | n 1. large number (of people), ramai (orang): a ~ had gathered at the scene of the accident, ramai orang berkerumun di tempat kemalangan itu; large ~s (of people) ramai orang; large ~s of, ramai: the show attracted large ~s of teenagers, pertunjukan itu telah menarik ramai muda-mudi; the ~, orang ramai: he pushed his way through the ~, dia mengasak-asak di celah-celah orang ramai; the ~ rushed towards the exit, orang ramai berebut-rebut ke arah pintu keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exodus | n 1. (fml or jocular), (from one place to another place) beramai-ramai meninggalkan; (to a place) pergi beramai-ramai: every summer sees an ~ of people from the cities to the beaches, setiap musim panas orang beramai-ramai meninggalkan kota utk pergi ke pantai; the ~ of people to the country, orang pergi beramai-ramai ke desa; 2. (Christianity) Exodus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horde | n 1. crowd, throng, begitu/ ramai, banyak/: ~s of people poured out of the stadium, orang yg begitu ramai berduyun-duyun keluar dr stadium; in ~s, beramai-ramai; 2. multitude (of insects) tdk terkira banyaknya: ~s of mosquitoes rose from the swamp, nyamuk yg tdk terkira banyaknya telah berterbangan keluar dr paya itu; 3. nomadic tribe, gerombolan: the Gypsy ~, gerombolan Gipsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flick1 | n 1. rapid movement backwards or forewards, petik(an), memetik: with one ~ of this switch you can destroy the world, dgn sekali petik suis ini, kamu dapat menghancurkan dunia; 2. quick stroke, a. (with the fingers) jentikan; (to produce sound) petikan: a ~ of his thumb was enough to summon an army of waiters, petikan jarinya saja cukup utk membuat pelayan datang ramai-ramai; b. (with hand) kibasan; c. (with flexible object) libasan; 3. rapid jerk, sentakan: a quick ~ of his foot sent the ball into the goal, sentakan kakinya yg cepat memasukkan bola ke dlm gol; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crush | n 1. also ~ of people, orang ramai yg /berpusu-pusu, berasak-asak/: there was a ~ outside the court, terdapat orang ramai yg berpusu-pusu di luar mahkamah; 2. fruit drink, perahan: orange ~, perahan oren; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drove1 | n herd, flock, kawanan: a ~ of cattle, kawanan lembu; in ~s, beramai-ramai, berduyun-duyun; (of animals) berkawan-kawan: voters came in ~s, pengundi-pengundi datang beramai-ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assent | n 1. sanction, official consent, persetujuan; (of royalty) perkenan(an): royal ~, perkenanan raja; by common ~, dgn persetujuan ramai; (as a result of unspoken agreement) seolah-olah telah dipersetujui: appointment is by common ~, pelantikan dibuat dgn persetujuan ramai; by common ~ the audience rose and gave her a rousing ovation, seolah-olah telah di persetujui, para penonton bangun dan memberinya tepuk sorak yg bergemuruh; with one ~ (fml) sebulat suara; 2. hesitant agreement, acquiescence, persetujuan: to give o’s ~, memberikan persetujuan sso; give a nod of ~, mengangguk tanda bersetuju; 3. (mental) acceptance, penerimaan: his ~ to the doctrine, penerimaannya akan doktrin itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cope 1 | ~ with, a. (person) melayan: she was able to ~ with the large number of guests, dia dapat melayan tetamu yg ramai itu; b. (antagonistic party) mengawal: the police could not ~ with the rioters as there were too many of them, pihak polis tdk dapat mengawal perusuh-perusuh itu krn bilangan mereka terlalu ramai; c. (situation, problem, difficulty) menghadapi dan mengatasi: they had to ~ with crisis after crisis, mereka terpaksa menghadapi dan mengatasi krisis demi krisis; d. (work, task) mengendalikan, membuat; e. (demand) memenuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bore1 | ~ (o’s way) through a crowd, /meredah, menerobos/ orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favourite | n 1. so. loved above others, kesayangan: he is his father’s ~, dia kesayangan bapanya; 2. person, thing best liked, kegemaran, kesukaan: that book is a ~ of mine, buku itu kegemaran saya; 3. (sport) pilihan ramai (utk memenangi): Argentina was the ~ for the World Cup, Argentina menjadi pilihan ramai utk memenangi Piala Dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |