band2 | n 1. strip, pita: there were steel ~s fastening the crate, ada pita keluli yg membebat peti kayu itu; a cigar with a gold ~, cerutu yg dililit dgn pita berwarna emas; hair ~, cekak rambut; 2. stripe, a. (circular) lingkaran: red and white ~s around the bird’s neck, lingkaran merah putih pd leher burung itu; b. (linear) jalur, loreng, belang: the black and white ~s of the zebra, jalur hitam putih pd tubuh kuda belang; 3. (ring) cincin belah rotan; 4. (rel to radio etc) frequency, jalur: medium wave ~, jalur gelombang sederhana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |