close | adj 1. near, dekat: at ~ range, pd jarak dekat; a house ~ to the road, rumah yg dekat dgn jalan; 2. compact, rapat-rapat: the soldiers marched in ~ order, askar-askar itu berkawat dlm barisan yg rapat-rapat; it was difficult to read the ~ print, sukar utk membaca tulisan yg rapat-rapat itu; 3. intimate, karib, rapat: a ~ friend, kawan rapat; 4. near in relationship, rapat: ~ relatives, saudara rapat; 5. thorough, rigorous, teliti: a ~ inspection, pemeriksaan teliti; a ~ study, kajian yg teliti; pay ~ attention, perhatikan dgn teliti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | ~ - cropped, /digunting, dipotong/ pendek; ~ - set, rapat: ~ - set eyes, mata rapat; a ~ /shave, call, thing/, nyaris-nyaris + approp v : he survived the operation, but it was a ~ shave, dia selamat menjalani pembedahan walaupun dia nyaris-nyaris mati; ~ to so’s heart, sangat diminati sso: wild life preservation is a subject ~ to her heart, pemeliharaan hidupan liar adalah perkara yg sangat diminatinya; at ~ quarters, dr dekat, dekat-dekat: she was even more beautiful at ~ quarters, malah dia kelihatan lebih cantik dr dekat; in ~ proximity, dekat-dekat, rapat-rapat: they were sitting in ~ proximity, mereka duduk rapat-rapat; /keep, lie/ ~, bersembunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cramped | adj 1. having limited space, sempit: they live in ~ quarters, mereka tinggal di rumah yg sempit; ~ for /space, room/, kesempitan ruang; 2. (of handwriting) halus dan rapat-rapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimate 1 | adj 1. close, familiar, rapat, mesra: he is ~ with the author, dia rapat dgn penulis itu; this ~ relationship lasted a lifetime, hubungan mesra ini berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat; we were never ~ with our neighbours, kami tdk pernah rapat dgn jiran; ~ friend, kawan /karib, rapat/, sahabat rapat; be on ~ terms, sangat mesra: the two are on ~ terms, mereka berdua sangat mesra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close-knit | adj rapat: a ~ family, keluarga yg rapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | ~ together, become closer, menjadi rapat: the two girls have ~n together since their parents passed away, kedua-dua gadis itu menjadi rapat sejak ibu bapa mereka meninggal dunia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
familiarity | n 1. closeness, close friendship, hubungan yg rapat, kekariban, kemesraan: his ~ with influential people, hubungannya yg rapat dgn orang-orang yg berpengaruh; 2. undue intimacy, perbuatan yg melewati batas; 3. state of being conversant with, pengetahuan: his ~ with the language, pengetahuannya ttg bahasa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimacy | n 1. close familiarity, hubungan /rapat, mesra/, kemesraan: he envied her ~ with these well-known artists, dia berasa iri hati thdp hubungan rapat gadis itu dgn pelukis-pelukis terkenal; the ~ between father and son, hubungan mesra antara ayah dan anak; 2. (euphem) hubungan; 3. intimate remarks, actions, hal-hal peribadi: the little intimacies that are a part of married life, hal-hal peribadi yg merupakan sebahagian drpd hidup berumah tangga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | adv 1. quickly, a. (rel to manner of walking, running, etc), (dgn) /cepat, laju, pantas, deras/; b. (rel to manner of driving etc), (dgn) /laju, cepat, deras/; c. (rel to manner of speaking etc), (dgn) cepat, pantas, laju; d. (rel to manner of acting, doing st, etc), (dgn) cepat: you have to act ~, kamu mesti bertindak cepat; 2. heavily, in rapid succession, a. (of rain, snow, etc), (dgn) /lebat, lebatnya, deras/; b. (of tears) bercucuran; 3. tightly, rapat(-rapat): his eyes were ~ shut, matanya tertutup dgn rapat; 4. in a dissipated way, (dgn) berfoya-foya: live ~, hidup (dgn) berfoya-foya; 5. soundly, dgn /nyenyaknya, lenanya/: the baby was ~ asleep, bayi itu tidur dgn nyenyaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deeply | adv1. far down, jauh ke dalam: to dig ~, menggali jauh ke dalam; 2. extremely, amat, sungguh, sangat: a ~ moving story, cerita yg amat menyayat hati; to be ~ offended, amat tersinggung; to feel so’s death ~, amat merasakan kematian sso; 3. soundly, dgn /lenanya, nyenyaknya, lenyaknya/: to sleep ~ and dreamlessly, tidur dgn nyenyaknya tanpa bermimpi; 4. as though looking right into so’s mind, jauh ke dlm: they stood close together and looked ~ into each other’s eyes, mereka berdiri rapat-rapat dan merenung jauh ke dlm mata satu sama lain; 5. as though filling or using o’s whole lungs, panjang: to sigh ~, mengeluh panjang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |