dictate | n (in pl), [not translated]: to obey the ~s of conscience, mengikut rasa hati; ~s of reason, akal fikiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instinct | n 1. natural tendency of person, animal to behave in particular way, naluri: an ~ for survival, naluri utk terus hidup; young mammals suckle by ~, anak mamalia menyusu mengikut naluri; paternal ~, naluri kebapaan; 2. inclination, rasa hati: my first ~ was to punch him on the nose, ikut rasa hati, saya hendak menumbuk hidungnya; ~ told him to run, ikut rasa hati, dia hendak lari; 3. natural, acquired talent or aptitude, intuition, gerak hati, intuisi: she knew, by ~, that it would not be the last time she would see him, drpd gerak hatinya, dia tahu bahawa itu bukanlah kali terakhir dia akan bertemu dgn lelaki tersebut; to rely on o’s ~, bergantung kpd gerak hati sso; have an ~ for (doing st) tahu saja: he seems to have an ~ for saying the right thing, dia nampaknya tahu saja apa yg sesuai utk dikatakannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hunch | n intuitive feeling, gerak hati: to act on o’s ~es, bertindak mengikut gerak hati; have a ~, rasa-rasa: I have a ~ we will win, saya rasa-rasa kita akan menang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | b. (fig.) mencuba dgn hati-hati: the two parties were ~ing their way towards a truce, kedua-dua pihak mencuba dgn hati-hati utk mencapai gencatan senjata; make o’s presence felt, meninggalkan kesan: the new manager made his presence felt by introducing drastic changes, pengurus baru itu meninggalkan kesan dgn memperkenalkan perubahan-perubahan yg tegas; not ~ os, feel slightly ill, rasa berlain; not ~ like, (colloq) malas: I don’t ~ like writing another letter, saya malas hendak menulis surat lain lagi; still ~ing o’s way, masih belum biasa: he was still ~ing his way in his new job, dia masih belum biasa dlm pekerjaan barunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acrimony | n rasa sakit hati: there was a touch of ~ in his voice as he answered, ada sedikit rasa sakit hati pd nada suaranya ketika dia menjawab; the dispute aroused a certain amount of ~, pertelingkahan itu telah menimbulkan rasa sakit hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
due | 2. appropriate, sewajarnya, wajar: the matter will be given ~ consideration, perkara itu akan diberi pertimbangan yg sewajarnya; take ~ care, betul-betul hati-hati: he took ~ care not to hurt their feelings, dia betul-betul hati-hati agar tdk menyinggung perasaan mereka; 3. owing as an obligation, patut diberikan: the extra money ~ to you will be paid next week, wang lebih yg patut diberikan kpd kamu akan dibayar minggu hadapan; he does not treat him with the respect ~ to a superior, dia tdk memperlakukannya dgn rasa hormat spt yg | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissatisfaction | n rasa tdk puas hati, ketidakpuasan hati: to express o’s ~, meluahkan rasa tdk puas hati sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
envy | n /rasa, berasa/ iri (hati): he was filled with ~ at his brother’s success, dia berasa iri hati krn kejayaan abangnya; her remark was made out of ~, kata-katanya dilahirkan krn rasa iri hati; (be) the ~ of, menyebabkan [sso] iri (hati): his new motorcycle is the ~ of his friends, motosikalnya yg baru itu menyebabkan rakan-rakannya iri hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choose | vt 1. pick, select, memilih: a man who ~s his words carefully, orang yg memilih kata-katanya dgn hati-hati; I think he will ~ the blue shirt, saya rasa dia akan memilih kemeja biru itu; 2. decide, memutuskan, membuat keputusan: she chose to take her holiday in September, dia membuat keputusan utk bercuti pd bulan September; he chose to be on his own, dia memutuskan utk tinggal bersendirian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contentment | n (rasa) puas hati: he smiled with ~, dia tersenyum puas hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |