city | <i>ni> 1. <i>large, important town,i> kota, bandar: <i>industrial ~,i> bandar perindustrian; <i>~ dwellers,i> penduduk kota; 2. <i>incorporated municipality,i> bandar raya, kota raya: <i>the ~ of Kuala Lumpur,i> bandar raya Kuala Lumpur; <i>~ council,i> dewan bandar raya; 3. (<i>peoplei>) penduduk /kota, bandar, bandar raya, kota raya/: <i>the whole ~ turned up to welcome the visiting president,i> seluruh penduduk bandar raya keluar utk mengalu-alukan kedatangan presiden; 4. <i>of, characteristic of a large town,i> kota: <i>a ~ girl,i> gadis kota. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
electoral | <i>adji> 1. <i>rel to an election,i> pilihan raya: <i>an ~ district,i> daerah pilihan raya; 2. <i>rel to electors,i> pemilih, pengundi: <i>~ roll,i> daftar pemilih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
election | <i>ni> 1. <i>act of choosing,i> pemilihan: <i>his ~ to the chairmanship of the Board was generally well-received,i> pemilihannya sbg pengerusi Lembaga, pd umumnya, disambut baik; 2. (<i>often in pli>), (<i>politi>) pilihan raya: <i>~ results,i> keputusan pilihan raya; <i>parliamentary ~s,i> pilihan raya parlimen; <i>the next general ~,i> pilihan raya umum yg akan datang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
highway | <i>ni> 1. <i>broad main road esp one that connects towns, cities,i> lebuh raya; 2. <i>public road,i> jalan raya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjourn | <i>vii> 1. <i>suspend proceedings for later resumption,i> ditangguhkan, ditunda: <i>Parliament has ~ed for the Hari Raya holidays,i> persidangan Parlimen telah ditangguhkan selama cuti Hari Raya; 2. <i>end,i> berakhir: <i>the meeting ~ed at 5.00 p.m.,i> mesyuarat itu berakhir pd pukul 5.00 petang; 3. <i>move or go elsewhere,i> beredar: <i>the guests ~ed to the verandah,i> para tetamu beredar ke beranda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bypass | <i>vti> 1. <i>go around (a city, obstruction, etc)i> memirau, melangkau: <i>the new highway ~es the city,i> lebuh raya baru itu memirau bandar raya; 2. <i>cause (traffic, liquid, gas) to go through a bypass,i> /membuat, mengendalikan/ supaya [sst] /memirau, melangkau/; 3. <i>proceed, act without reference to regulations, a superior, etc,i> melangkau: <i>we must not ~ the head of department,i> kita jangan melangkau ketua jabatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high road | <i>ni> 1. jalan raya; 2. (<i>fig.i>) jalan mudah: <i>the ~ to success,i> jalan mudah utk mencapai kejayaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gilded | <i>adji> 1. <i>covered with thin layer of gold or gold painti>, bersepuh (air emas): <i>a ~ domei>, kubah bersepuh air emas; 2. <i>wealthy and upper-classi>, kaya raya: <i>he had a ~ youthi>, semasa muda dia kaya raya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congested | <i>adji> 1. <i>overcrowded,i> penuh sesak: <i>~ cities,i> bandar raya yg penuh sesak; 2. (<i>medi>) sesak, kongesi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counsel | <i>ni> 1. (<i>fmli>) <i>advice,i> nasihat: <i>he would not listen to his father’s ~,i> dia tdk mahu mendengar nasihat bapanya; 2. (<i>techi>) <i>lawyer,i> a. (<i>for the prosecutioni>) peguam bagi pihak pendakwa; (<i>ref to the deputy public prosecutori>) penolong pendakwa raya: <i>he had ~’s opinion on his case,i> dia mendapat nasihat penolong pendakwa raya ttg kesnya; b. (<i>for the defencei>) peguam pembela, peguam bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |