edge | vt 1. supply with border, approp v [+ n] pd tepi [sst]: to ~ a blanket with ribbon, membubuh reben pd tepi gebar; 2. form border to, meminggiri: wild flowers ~ the river bank, pokok-pokok bunga tumbuh liar meminggiri tebing sungai itu; 3. move slowly along, mengesotkan, mengesot-ngesotkan: to ~ the crate out of a room, mengesotkan peti kayu keluar dr bilik; to ~ the refrigerator into the kitchen, mengesot-ngesotkan peti sejuk ke dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | iii. (when used ref to animal, plant, etc that is personified or in highly tech context) ia: the birch tree was so pleased ~ stood still, looking at the ribbon, pokok birch itu begitu gembira hingga ia terdiam kaku, memperhatikan reben tersebut; lithium resembles sodium and potassium in appearance, but ~ is harder than either of the two, litium menyerupai natrium dan kalium, tetapi ia lebih keras drpd kedua-duanya; iv. (used with Malay pass. verb) -nya: the explosion must have been terrific judging from the damage ~ caused, letupan itu pasti dahsyat memandangkan kerosakan yg diakibatkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow2 | n 1. weapon for shooting arrows, busur, ibu panah: to draw the ~, menarik busur; ~ and arrow, panah; 2. archer, pemanah; 3. st curved or arc-shaped, lengkungan; 4. knot made with loop (s) simpul(an); tie st into a ~, menyimpulkan sst: she tied the shoe-laces into a ~, dia menyimpulkan tali kasut itu; 5. ribbon etc so tied, reben: she put a ~ in her hair, dia membubuh reben pd rambutnya; 6. a. rod used for playing the violin etc, penggesek; b. stroke with such a rod, gesekan; 7. see BOW-TIE; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | vt 1. fasten, secure, tie, mengikat: they bound him hand and foot, mereka mengikat kedua-dua belah tangan dan kakinya sekali; the captive was bound to a post, tawanan itu diikat pd tiang; to ~ the sticks together with a cord, mengikat batang-batang kayu itu dgn tali; ~ st fast, fasten tightly, mengikatkan sst kuat-kuat: to ~ the rope fast, mengikatkan tali itu kuat-kuat; 2. also ~ up, encircle as with a band, mengikat: she bound her hair with a ribbon, dia mengikat rambutnya dgn reben; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |