abate | vi 1. (of wind, storm, etc) reda: the storm gradually ~d, ribut semakin reda; 2. (of flood) surut; 3. (of emotion) reda, mengendur, berkurang: after everything had been clarified, his anger ~d, setelah segala-galanya dijelaskan barulah reda kemarahannya; 4. (of fever) kebah, berkurang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ over, a. reda: the storm should soon ~ over, ribut itu akan reda tdk lama lagi; b. (fig.) berakhir, berlalu; (of scandal, controversy) tdk hangat lagi: the scandal will ~ over in a few months, skandal itu tdk hangat lagi dlm beberapa bulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 3. drop in pitch, menurun: her voice rose and fell, suaranya menaik dan menurun; 4. abate, subside, reda: the wind fell, angin telah reda; the flames rose and fell, api itu menjulang dan reda; 5. become lowered, memandang ke bawah: his eyes fell, matanya memandang ke bawah; 6. collapse esp in fragments, runtuh, roboh; 7. hang down, a. (of skirt etc) tergantung: his cloak ~s from the shoulder, jubahnya tergantung dr bahunya; b. (of hair) terjurai, mengurai: her hair ~s loosely, rambutnya terjurai lepas; 8. be killed, gugur, terkorban: those who fell in the war, mereka yg gugur di medan perang; 9. slope downwards, melandai: the land ~s towards the sea, tanah itu melandai ke arah laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | e. subside, surut; (of wind, storm) reda: the swelling is beginning to ~ down, benjol itu mulai surut; the wind went down after sunset, angin reda sesudah senja; f. be swallowed, ditelan: these pills don’t ~ down easily, pil-pil ini sukar ditelan; g. find acceptance, diterima: his explanation didn’t ~ down well, keterangannya tdk diterima dgn baik; h. be set down in writing, tercatat: the event will ~ down in history books, peristiwa itu akan tercatat dlm buku-buku sejarah; i. be defeated, fail, tewas, kalah: he went down in the third set, dia kalah dlm set ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abatement | n 1. act of abating, a. (of wind, storm, etc) reda(nya); b. (of flood) surut(nya); c. (of emotion) reda(nya), berkurang(nya); d. (of fever) kebah(nya), berkurang(nya); 2. (leg.) removal (of nuisance etc) pemberhentian, penghapusan; 3. (leg.) annulment, pembatalan, pemberhentian: the ~ of a writ, pembatalan writ; 4. amount abated, reduction, potongan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
de-escalate | vi mereda, semakin reda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferment | n 1. fermenting agent, penapai; 2. unrest, pergolakan: after the ~ died down schools reopened, setelah pergolakan itu reda, sekolah-sekolah dibuka semula; in a ~, (fig.) bergolak, bergelora: the whole country was in a ~ before the general election, seluruh negara bergolak sebelum pilihan raya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ out, a. be sent out by force of air, wind, terbang keluar: when I cleaned out the drawers a lot of dust blew out, apabila saya membersihkan laci banyak habuk terbang keluar; b. stop blowing, reda sama sekali: the storm blew out after a few days, ribut reda sama sekali selepas beberapa hari; c. be extinguished, padam: the flame blew out, api itu padam; d. burst, meletup: the tyre blew out on the highway, tayar itu meletup di lebuh raya; e. (of fuse) terbakar; f. (of electrical appliance) rosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ease | also ~ /off, up/, 1. (of pain, discomfort, etc) berkurang: the pain in his joints has ~d, rasa sakit pd sendinya telah berkurang; 2. (of pressure, tension, etc), (me)reda, mengendur: the situation ~d after the negotiations, keadaan mereda selepas perundingan itu; 3. (of rain, storm, etc) mereda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ away, a. (of sound) semakin /lenyap, sayup, hilang/; b. (of light), (become weaker) semakin /malap, pudar/; (become fainter) semakin /hilang, pudar/; c. (of wind) semakin /reda, luang/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |