Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[rél] | ريل

Definisi : (rél) 1. besi landasan kereta api dll, landasan kereta api (trem); keluar ~ a) terlepas (ter­keluar) dr rel; b) bp terkeluar drpd pokok pembicaraan, menyimpang drpd jalan yg benar, melampaui had; 2. palang lintang utk menggantung sesuatu; ~ langsir palang yg digunakan utk menggantung langsir. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[rél] | ريل

Definisi : /rél/ besi landasan kereta api atau trem: ~ kereta api landasan kereta api. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

intervalat ~s of, a. (rel to time) setiap, selang: the trains run at ~s of ten minutes, kereta api berlepas setiap sepuluh minit; b. (rel to distance) dgn jarak... antaranya: trees are planted at ~s of four metres along the road, pokok-pokok itu ditanam dgn jarak empat meter antaranya di sepanjang jalan tersebut; at / brief, short / ~, sekejap-sekejap; at regular ~s, a. (rel to time) sering, selalu: they visit us at regular ~s, mereka sering mengunjungi kami; b. (rel to distance) pd jarak yg sama antaranya; at varying ~s, a. (rel to time) dgn jarak waktu yg berbeza-beza; b. (rel to distance) dgn jarak yg berbeza-beza antaranya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Anglo-Irishadj 1. rel to Irish of English descent, orang Inggeris-Ireland; 2. rel to English and Irish, Inggeris-Ireland; 3. rel to English spoken in Ireland, bahasa Inggeris-Ireland;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fast1adv 1. quickly, a. (rel to manner of walking, running, etc), (dgn) /cepat, laju, pantas, deras/; b. (rel to manner of driving etc), (dgn) /laju, cepat, deras/; c. (rel to manner of speaking etc), (dgn) cepat, pantas, laju; d. (rel to manner of acting, doing st, etc), (dgn) cepat: you have to act ~, kamu mesti bertindak cepat; 2. heavily, in rapid succession, a. (of rain, snow, etc), (dgn) /lebat, lebatnya, deras/; b. (of tears) bercucuran; 3. tightly, rapat(-rapat): his eyes were ~ shut, matanya tertutup dgn rapat; 4. in a dissipated way, (dgn) berfoya-foya: live ~, hidup (dgn) berfoya-foya; 5. soundly, dgn /nyenyaknya, lenanya/: the baby was ~ asleep, bayi itu tidur dgn nyenyaknya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
almostc. (rel to condition, situation, action) hampir(-hampir); (rel to adverse situation) nyaris(-nyaris), hampir(-hampir), cemas-cemas: he is ~ bankrupt, dia hampir-hampir bankrap; he was ~ knocked down by a car, dia nyaris-nyaris dilanggar kereta; she ~ blurted out the secret, dia nyaris-nyaris membocorkan rahsia itu; d. what would essentially approximate, (usu with negative) boleh dikatakan: during that one hour she said ~ nothing, selama satu jam itu, dia boleh dikatakan tdk berkata sepatah pun; they ~ always fail agree, mereka boleh dikatakan tdk pernah bersetuju; an ~ watertight argument, suatu alasan yg boleh dikatakan tdk dapat disangkal lagi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
farcicaladj 1. rel to ludicrous comedy, farsa; 2. rel to genre of comedy of this kind, farsa; 3. ludicrous, melucukan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
imperialadj 1. of, rel to empire, empayar: ~ expansion, perluasan empayar; 2. of, rel to emperor, empress, maha-raja: The I~ Chinese Court, Istana Maharaja China; His I~ Majesty, Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Maharaja; 3. majestic, regal, [various translations]: they lived in ~ splendour on an island in the Mediterranean, mereka hidup penuh kegemilangan di sebuah pulau di Laut Mediterranean; anything he does, he does on an ~ scale, apa saja dilakukannya, pasti dilakukan secara besar-besaran; 4. (of weights and measures) fixed by law in the UK, [not translated]: I~ gallon, gelen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
existentialadj (fml) 1. of, rel to existence, kewujudan; 2. rel to existentialism, eksistensial, eksistensialisme.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dentaladj 1. (of, rel to teeth) gigi: ~ caries, karies gigi; 2. (of, rel to dentistry) pergigian, gigi, dental; 3. (phonetics) gigi, dental: ~ sound, bunyi gigi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
electoraladj 1. rel to an election, pilihan raya: an ~ district, daerah pilihan raya; 2. rel to electors, pemilih, pengundi: ~ roll, daftar pemilih.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apostolicadj 1. of, rel to the Apostles, hawariun: ~ teachings, ajaran hawariun; 2. of, rel to the Pope, paus.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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