remove | 6. eliminate, menghilangkan: the evidence ~d all doubts concerning his guilt, keterangan itu menyingkirkan segala keraguan ttg kesalahannya; 7. cause (st) to disappear, membuang: electrolysis to ~ unwanted hair, elektrolisis utk membuang bulu yg tdk dikehendaki; the wart was surgically ~d, ketuat itu telah dibuang secara pembedahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remove | 4. dismiss, menyingkirkan: the officer was ~d from office, pegawai itu telah disingkirkan dr jawatannya; 5. get rid of (st) by cleaning, menghilangkan: a new method for removing stains from clothes, satu kaedah baru utk menghilangkan kotoran dr pakaian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remove | vt 1. change the location of, memindahkan: he ~d his family to the city, dia memindahkan keluarganya ke kota; 2. move (so., st) away, mengalihkan: she ~d the plates from the table, dia mengalihkan pinggan-pinggan dr meja itu; please ~ your hand from my arm, tolong alihkan tangan kamu dr lengan saya; 3. take off (clothing etc) menanggalkan: he ~d his coat and hung it up, dia menanggalkan kot dan menyangkutkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remove | vi berpindah: they decided to ~ to the city, mereka mengambil keputusan utk berpindah ke kota; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remove | n stage or degree of difference or distance, tahap bezanya: the crisis was only one ~ from civil war, krisis itu hanya setahap bezanya drpd perang saudara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debug | vt 1. remove electronic bugs from, menghapuskan pesawat-pesawat pengintip dr: to ~ a room, menghapuskan pesawat-pesawat pengintip dr bilik; 2. remove live bugs from, menghapuskan /pijat-pijat, kepinding/ dr; 3. remove fault from, menyah pepijat: to ~ a computer, menyah pepijat komputer. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweep | 3. (remove or move st by pushing) menolak; (remove or move st by scooping) mengaut: the girl put up a hand and swept the hair from her eyes, gadis itu mengangkat tangan dan menolak rambut yg terjurai pd matanya; he lost his temper and suddenly swept all the cards off the table, dia hilang sabar dan tiba-tiba menolak kad-kad itu dr atas meja; the cashier swept all the coins into the open drawer, juruwang mengaut semua duit syiling ke dlm laci yg terbuka itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shell | vt 1. remove husk, pod, etc, mengopek, mengupas: the children ~ed the groundnuts, kanak-kanak itu mengopek kacang tanah; 2. remove kernels from a cob or ear, /menceraikan, mengasingkan/ biji: the corn is sent to a mill to be ~ed, jagung dihantar ke kilang utk diasingkan bijinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weed | vt 1. remove weeds from, /merumput, membuang rumpai/ di: she was ~ing the vegetable garden, dia sedang merumput di kebun sayur; 2. remove, membuang; (by hand) mencabut: he was ~ing grass out of the rose bed, dia sedang mencabut rumput di batas bunga mawar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nip 1 | ~ st off, a. remove st by pinching, menggentas sst: she ~ped off the dead flowers, dia menggentas bunga-bunga yg layu itu; b. remove st by cutting, menggunting sst: the rose bush was straggly so he ~ped off some branches, pokok ros itu terjulur-julur, jadi dia menggunting beberapa dahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |