disreputable | adj 1. having bad reputation, mempunyai reputasi buruk: ~ hotels, hotel-hotel yg mempunyai reputasi buruk; 2. not respectable, tdk senonoh; (of clothes, appearance) selekeh: ~ - looking women who sat around the bar, perempuan-perempuan yg kelihatan tdk senonoh yg duduk di bar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evil | adj 1. morally wrong or bad, wicked, jahat: he is an ~ man, dia seorang yg jahat; ~ thoughts, niat jahat; 2. causing harm, injury, durjana: an ~ plan, rancangan yg durjana; 3. nfamous, buruk: the house has an ~ reputation, rumah itu mempunyai reputasi yg buruk; 4. very unpleasant, [various translations]: the woman has an ~ tongue, mulut perempuan itu jahat; an ~ smell came from the casket, terhidu bau kohong dr keranda itu; it was an ~ night, malam itu cuaca sungguh buruk; the ~ noise that came from the quarry, bunyi yg menjengkelkan yg datang dr kuari itu; he has an ~ temper, perangai perengusnya sungguh buruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concerned | as far as so. is ~, bagi sso: as far as I am ~ he is no longer my responsibility, bagi saya, dia bukan lagi tanggungjawab saya; /as far as, where /st is ~, [various translations]: where food is ~ she is not choosy at all, tentang makanan dia tdk cerewet sedikit pun; as far as these colleges are ~, any decline in academic excellence will be bad for their reputation, bagi kolej-kolej ini sebarang kemerosotan kecemerlangan akademik adalah tdk baik thdp reputasi mereka; the film is one of the finest of the decade as far as special effects are ~, dr segi kesan khas, filem itu merupakan yg terbaik dlm dekad ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |