swerve | never ~ from o’s /determination, resolution/, tetap dgn /azam, resolusi/ sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resolution | n 1. resoluteness, ketegasan, tegas: a man of great ~, orang yg sangat tegas; he showed a lack of ~, dia tdk menampakkan ketegasan; 2. st determined on, azam, resolusi: his New Year ~ was to get married, azam Tahun Barunya ialah hendak berkahwin; he made a ~ to give up smoking, dia berazam utk meninggalkan tabiat merokok; 3. formal decision at a meeting, conference, ketetapan, resolusi: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mover | we found this particular detergent to be a fast ~, kami mendapati pencuci serbuk jenis ini cepat laku; 3. proposer, pengusul, pencadang: he is the chief ~ of the resolution, dia pengusul utama resolusi itu; 4. (colloq | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
making | n pembuatan, membuat; (of law) penggubalan: the ~ of a film is no simple matter, pembuatan filem bukanlah perkara mudah; he says that the ~ of resolutions is a waste of time, dia mengatakan bahawa membuat resolusi itu adalah me | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resolve | vt 1. decide firmly, determine, berazam: he has already ~d to change his job, dia telah pun berazam utk menukar kerjanya; 2. separate into constituents, meresolusikan; ~ itself, teresolusi: the liquid will ~ itself into its constituent elements, cecair itu akan teresolusi menjadi unsur-unsur juzuknya; 3. pass by vote, /mengambil, membuat/ /ketetapan, resolusi/: the meeting ~d that the matter be adjourned, mesyuarat itu membuat ketetapan supaya perkara itu ditangguhkan; 4. solve, menyelesaikan: our doubts were ~d eventually, keraguan kami akhirnya diselesaikan; there are still some problems to be ~d, masih ada beberapa masalah yg perlu diselesaikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |