communicative | adj 1. ready or willing to talk, ringan mulut, peramah: she is a ~ child, dia kanak-kanak yg ringan mulut; not ~, berat mulut; 2. rel to ability to communicate, berkomunikasi: ~ ability, kebolehan berkomunikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feathery | adj 1. see FEATHERED; 2. soft and light , lembut dan ringan: ~ snow, salji yg lembut dan ringan; 3. soft, delicate, lembut: ~ strokes of his brush, palitan berusnya yg lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breezy | adj 1. windy, berangin: a ~ day, hari yg berangin; 2. casual, carefree, riang: his ~ nature, sifat riangnya; 3. (colloq) light, ringan: a ~ conversation, perbualan ringan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collation | n 1. act of collating, pengumpulsemakan: the ~ of the ancient manuscripts took two months, pengumpulsemakan manuskrip-manuskrip purba itu mengambil masa dua bulan; 2. (fml) light meal, makanan ringan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
known | adj 1. (of person) terkenal: a ~ statesman, seorang negarawan yg terkenal; ~ as a war criminal, terkenal sbg penjenayah perang; 2. (other than person) diketahui: the lightest ~ gas, gas paling ringan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impose | vt 1. levy, mengenakan: the government ~d a duty on imported cars , kerajaan mengenakan cukai atas ereta yg diimport; 2. force acceptance of, a. (condition, sanction, fine, etc) mengenakan: to ~ economic sanctions, mengenakan sekatan ekonomi; b. (sentence) menjatuhkan: the judge is expected to ~ only a light sentence, hakim dijangka akan menjatuhkan hukuman ringan sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravity | n 1. (phys) graviti: centre of ~, pusat graviti; 2. quality of being solemn, keseriusan, seriusnya: from the ~ of his expression she realised that something was wrong, drpd keseriusan wajahnya dia tahu bahawa ada sst yg tdk kena; 3. quality of needing urgent attention, seriousness, seriusnya, keseriusan, serius; (of news) merunsingkan; (of offence, charge, accusation, etc) seriusnya, beratnya; (rel to illness or a sick person’s condition), (keadaan yg) /serius, teruk/; (of responsibility) beratnya: the ~ of the economic situation cannot be disregarded, keadaan ekonomi yg serius itu tdk boleh dipandang ringan; news of considerable ~, berita yg agak merunsingkan; I don’t think you realize the ~ of the accusations, saya tdk fikir kamu sedar betapa beratnya tuduhan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |