insurmountable | adj insuperable, tdk dapat diatasi: ~ obstacles, rintangan-rintangan yg tdk dapat diatasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daunt | vt 1. (before the event), (act.) menggentarkan; (pass.) menjadi gentar: obstacles that would have ~ed a less courageous man, rintangan-rintangan yg pasti menggentarkan sso yg tdk sebegitu berani; 2. (after the event) , (act.) menjadikan serik, menjerakan, menjerankan; (pass.) serik, jera, jeran: he was not ~ed by his failure, dia tdk serik oleh kegagalannya; nothing ~ed, dgn tabah hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hindrance | n 1. obstruction, impediment, halangan, hambatan, rintangan: lack of funds was a real ~ to our plans, kekurangan wang benar-benar menjadi rintangan kpd rancangan kami; 2. so. who is an obstacle, penghalang; be more of a ~ than a help, lebih menghalang drpd membantu: she is more of a ~ than a help, dia lebih menghalang drpd membantu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | 6. (of soap) a. (long block) batang; b. (cake) buku; 7. obstacle, rintangan: a policy which is a ~ to international understanding, dasar yg menjadi rintangan kpd persefahaman antarabangsa; a ~ to success, rintangan kpd kejayaan; 8. sand-bar, beting pasir; 9. see Bar; 10. room, counter where alcoholic drinks are served, bar; 11. (mus) bar; 12. (of colour, light) sorotan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barrier | b. (prevents access to enclosed place) sekatan: there will be so. collecting tickets at the ~, ada orang yg akan memungut tiket di sekatan itu; c. (maintains separation, demarcates) sekatan, penyekat, perintang, penghalang: the wall acts as a ~ that separates East and West Berlin, tembok itu menjadi penghalang yg memisahkan Berlin Timur dr Berlin Barat; 2. hindrance, rintangan, halangan: illiteracy is a ~ to progress, buta huruf menjadi rintangan kpd kemajuan; trade ~s, halangan perdagangan; 3. obstacle to union, communication, rintangan: psychological ~s, rintangan psikologi; language ~, rintangan bahasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balk | n 1. beam, alang; 2. hindrance, halangan, rintangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insulation | n 1. act, state of, a. (covering or being covered with protective material) penebatan: ~ resistance, rintangan penebatan; ~ test, ujian penebatan; b. (segregating) pemisahan, pengasingan; 2. insulating material, bahan penebat: some of the ~ had come off, sebahagian drpd bahan penebat itu telah tanggal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ through st, penetrate st a. (with force) merempuh sst: the crowd broke through the barriers, orang ramai telah merempuh rintangan; the convoy had to ~ through the German blockade, konvoi itu terpaksa merempuh sekatan Jerman; b. (of sun, moon, etc) menembusi sst: the sun broke through the clouds, cahaya matahari menembusi awan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrosion | n 1. (act, process) pengakisan; 2. (product) kakisan: the ~ on the car’s body, kakisan pd badan kereta; ~ resistance, rintangan kakisan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdle | n1. frame for jumping over or for temporary fencing, pagar (lompat): the first runner is over the last ~, pelari pertama telah melepasi pagar lompat yg terakhir; 2. (in pl), (sport) acara lompat pagar: he hopes to win the ~s, dia berharap akan memenangi acara lompat pagar; 3. (fig.) obstacle, halangan, rintangan: the interview on Monday is the final ~ that he must take, temu duga pd hari Isnin ini merupakan rintangan yg terakhir yg harus dihadapinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |