German measles | n (colloq) penyakit campak Jerman, rubela. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immune | adj 1. protected, secure, a. (from or against disease, poison, etc) imun, lali: ~ to rubella, imun thdp rubela; b. (from or against criticism, attack, etc) lali: he has become ~ to unfair criticism, dia telah menjadi lali thdp kritikan yg tdk adil; 2. exempt (from punishment, prosecution, etc) kebal: ~ from legal action, kebal drpd tindakan undang-undang; 3. not susceptible, lali: ~ to all pleas, lali oleh pujuk rayu; a man who seems quite ~ to the pressures of business life, lelaki yg nampaknya lali thdp tekanan hidup sbg ahli perniagaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |