Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

lawn 1 <i>ni> halaman (rumput): <i>the houses in that street have beautiful ~s,i> rumah-rumah di lorong itu mempunyai halaman rumput yg cantik; mow the ~, memotong rumput di halaman.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
domestic<i>adji> 1. <i>of the home,i> rumah; (<i>of electricity, water supply, etci>) ke rumah: <i>~ chores,i> kerja-kerja rumah; <i>~ gadgets,i> alat-alat rumah; <i>chemicals for ~ use,i> bahan kimia utk kegunaan rumah; <i>different rates are fixed for ~ water supply,i> kadar bayaran yg berlainan dikenakan utk bekalan air ke rumah; 2. <i>connected with family,i> rumah tangga: <i>~ problems,i> masalah rumah tangga; <i>~ responsibilities,i> tanggungjawab rumah tangga; 3. <i>fond of home life,i> suka kehidupan di rumah; 4. <i>of the home country,i> dlm negeri: <i>for ~ consumption,i> utk kegunaan dlm negeri; <i>~ airline,i> syarikat penerbangan dlm negeri; <i>the government’s ~ policies,i> dasar dlm negeri kerajaan; 5. (<i>of animali>) bela jinak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
house<i>ni> 1. <i>dwelling-place for person, family,i> rumah: <i>a double-storey ~,i> rumah dua tingkat; <i>a ~ by the lake,i> rumah di tepi tasik; <i>the salesman went from ~ to ~,i> jurujual itu pergi dr rumah ke rumah; 2. <i>the occupants,i> (se)isi rumah; (<i>as a familyi>) keluarga: <i>the whole ~ was down with measles,i> seisi rumah diserang campak; <i>head of the ~,i> ketua keluarga; 3. <i>the building and members of a law-making body,i> Dewan: <i>the H~ is sitting today,i> Dewan bersidang hari ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
acclimatization<i>ni> 1. <i>adaptation to new climatei>, penyesuaiikliman, aklimatisasi: <i>~ of plants in glasshouses,i> penyesuaiikliman tumbuh-tumbuhan dlm rumah-rumah kaca; 2. <i>adaptation to new surroundings etci>, penyesuaian diri: <i>~ to army life,i> penyesuaian diri dgn kehidupan tentera.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
home<i>adji> 1. <i>of, pertaining a dwelling-place,i> rumah: <i>~ address,i> alamat rumah; <i>~ furnishings,i> kelengkapan rumah; 2. <i>done in the house,i> di rumah: <i>~ employment,i> pekerjaan di rumah; <i>~ study course,i> kursus belajar di rumah; <i>~ cooking,i> masakan di rumah; 3. <i>house and family,i> keluarga; (<i>attribi>) berkeluarga: <i>the boy comes from a poor ~,i> budak itu berasal dr keluarga yg miskin; 4. <i>rel to o’s country,i> dlm negeri; (<i>of product, marketi>) tempatan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
asylum<i>n i> 1. (<i>formerly termed i> lunatic asylum) /rumah sakit, hospital, rumah orang/ gila, rumah sakit otak; 2. <i>place of refuge,i> suaka, tempat berlindung; 3. <i>refuge,i> perlindungan: <i>to seek political ~,i> meminta perlindungan politik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
household<i>ni> 1. <i>people living together in a house,i> rumah; (<i>as a familyi>) keluarga: <i>the entire ~ is expected to come,i> seisi rumah dijangka akan hadir; <i>only 10% of ~s own a television,i> hanya 10% rumah mempunyai televisyen; <i>head of the ~,i> ketua keluarga; <i>a large ~,i> keluarga yg besar; 2. <i>domestic establishment,i> rumah tangga: <i>to run a ~,i> mengurus rumah tangga; <i>~ affairs,i> hal-hal rumah tangga.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
home<i>advi> 1. <i>to o’s house,i> pulang, balik (ke rumah): <i>I walked ~,i> saya berjalan balik ke rumah; <i>on his way ~,i> dlm perjalanan pulang; 2. <i>at o’s house,i> di rumah: <i>he reached ~ at 1 a.m.,i> dia sampai di rumah pd pukul 1 pagi; 3. <i>as far as it can go,i> sampai santak: <i>he hammered the nail ~,i> dia mengetuk paku itu sampai santak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
household gods<i>ni> 1. dewa rumah; 2. (<i>fig.i>) keperluan rumah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
host 1 <i>ni> 1. <i>one who entertains guests,i> tuan rumah: <i>he was asked to act as ~ at the party,i> dia diminta menjadi tuan rumah di majlis itu; /be, play/ ~ to, menjadi tuan rumah kpd; 2. (<i>bioli>) perumah; 3. (<i>of radio and TV programmesi>) juruacara, hos;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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