rustic | adj 1. characteristic of country people, kampung, desa: ~ dwellings, rumah-rumah kampung; ~ life, kehidupan desa; the ~ simplicity of their lives, cara hidup kampung yg sederhana; 2. unrefined, kekampungan: their ~ ways, cara mereka yg kekampungan; 3. of rough workmanship, kasar buatannya: ~ furniture, perabot yg kasar buatannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lawn 1 | n halaman (rumput): the houses in that street have beautiful ~s, rumah-rumah di lorong itu mempunyai halaman rumput yg cantik; mow the ~, memotong rumput di halaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lawn 1 | n halaman (rumput): the houses in that street have beautiful ~s, rumah-rumah di lorong itu mempunyai halaman rumput yg cantik; mow the ~, memotong rumput di halaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
propagation | n 1.production, pembiakan: these glasshouses are used for the ~ of tropical plants, rumah-rumah kaca ini digunakan utk pembiakan pokok-pokok tropika; 2. (fml) dissemination (of knowledge, ideas, etc) penyebaran, menyebarluaskan: the club was the centre for the ~ of this rumour, kelab itulah yg menjadi pusat pd penyebaran berita angin itu; 3. (fml) transmission, perambatan: to study the nature and ~ of light, mengkaji sifat dan perambatan cahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
domestic | adj 1. of the home, rumah; (of electricity, water supply, etc) ke rumah: ~ chores, kerja-kerja rumah; ~ gadgets, alat-alat rumah; chemicals for ~ use, bahan kimia utk kegunaan rumah; different rates are fixed for ~ water supply, kadar bayaran yg berlainan dikenakan utk bekalan air ke rumah; 2. connected with family, rumah tangga: ~ problems, masalah rumah tangga; ~ responsibilities, tanggungjawab rumah tangga; 3. fond of home life, suka kehidupan di rumah; 4. of the home country, dlm negeri: for ~ consumption, utk kegunaan dlm negeri; ~ airline, syarikat penerbangan dlm negeri; the government’s ~ policies, dasar dlm negeri kerajaan; 5. (of animal) bela jinak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
house | n 1. dwelling-place for person, family, rumah: a double-storey ~, rumah dua tingkat; a ~ by the lake, rumah di tepi tasik; the salesman went from ~ to ~, jurujual itu pergi dr rumah ke rumah; 2. the occupants, (se)isi rumah; (as a family) keluarga: the whole ~ was down with measles, seisi rumah diserang campak; head of the ~, ketua keluarga; 3. the building and members of a law-making body, Dewan: the H~ is sitting today, Dewan bersidang hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acclimatization | n 1. adaptation to new climate, penyesuaiikliman, aklimatisasi: ~ of plants in glasshouses, penyesuaiikliman tumbuh-tumbuhan dlm rumah-rumah kaca; 2. adaptation to new surroundings etc, penyesuaian diri: ~ to army life, penyesuaian diri dgn kehidupan tentera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
home | adj 1. of, pertaining a dwelling-place, rumah: ~ address, alamat rumah; ~ furnishings, kelengkapan rumah; 2. done in the house, di rumah: ~ employment, pekerjaan di rumah; ~ study course, kursus belajar di rumah; ~ cooking, masakan di rumah; 3. house and family, keluarga; (attrib) berkeluarga: the boy comes from a poor ~, budak itu berasal dr keluarga yg miskin; 4. rel to o’s country, dlm negeri; (of product, market) tempatan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asylum | n 1. (formerly termed lunatic asylum) /rumah sakit, hospital, rumah orang/ gila, rumah sakit otak; 2. place of refuge, suaka, tempat berlindung; 3. refuge, perlindungan: to seek political ~, meminta perlindungan politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
radius | n 1. (math) jejari; 2. (anat) radius; 3. distance from a centre, lingkungan: houses within a ~ of 4 km, rumah-rumah dlm lingkungan 4 km. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |