following | prep selepas, sesudah, setelah: ~ the riots six men were charged, selepas rusuhan itu, enam orang lelaki didakwa di mahkamah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climax | vi 1. come to a climax, memuncak: the demonstration ~ed in a riot, tunjuk perasaan itu memuncak dgn rusuhan; 2. reach orgasm, mencapai /puncak syahwat, orgasme/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | force so’s ~, memaksa sso utk + v phr: the riots forced the government’s ~ and they had to implement the reforms more quickly than they had originally planned, rusuhan itu memaksa kerajaan bertindak dan mereka terpaksa melaksanakan pembaharuan lebih cepat drpd apa yg dirancangkan terlebih dahulu; from ~ to mouth, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang: living from ~ to mouth, hidup kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang; /get, give/ a big ~, /mendapat, memberikan/ tepukan gemuruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
culminate | vi; ~ in, (reach the highest point or climax) memuncak dgn, mencapai puncaknya dgn; (end in), /berakhir, berkesudahan/ dgn: sporadic riots that ~d in civil war, rusuhan yg tercetus di sana sini yg memuncak dgn berlakunya perang saudara; all that hard work ~d in victory for the team, segala usaha yg gigih itu berakhir dgn kejayaan bagi pasukan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disrupt | vt interrupt flow or continuity of, (act.) mengganggu, menggendalakan; (pass.) terganggu, tergendala: the unruly members completely ~ed the meeting, ahli-ahli yg tdk mudah dikawal itu mengganggu mesyuarat; communications were ~ed during the riots, perhubungan tergendala semasa rusuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erupt | vi 1. (of volcano) emit rocks, lava, etc, meletup, meletus: the volcano ~ed before dawn, gunung berapi itu meletup sebelum subuh; 2. break out, meletus: riots ~ed in the major cities causing the government to declare a state of emergency, rusuhan meletus di bandar-bandar utama, menyebabkan kerajaan mengisytiharkan keadaan darurat; the tense situation could ~ into war, keadaan yg tegang itu mungkin meletus menjadi peperangan; 3. (colloq) become extremely angry, meletup: he ~ed when I told him how much I paid for the dress, dia meletup apabila saya memberitahunya berapa harga baju itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
communal | adj 1. of community, commune, komunal: ~ life, kehidupan komunal; 2. for common use, bersama: ~ property, harta bersama; ~ kitchen, dapur bersama; ~ bath, tempat mandi bersama; 3. rel to, based on different groups within society, perkauman: ~ riots, rusuhan kaum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calm | adj 1. still, not windy or stormy, tenang: ~ weather, keadaan cuaca yg tenang; the ~ sea, laut yg tenang; 2. quiet, peaceful, tenang, tenteram: a ~ atmosphere, suasana yg tenang; the town is ~ again after the rioting, bandar itu tenang kembali selepas rusuhan; 3. composed, unagitated, tenang: he was ~ during the entire proceedings, dia tenang sahaja sepanjang perbicaraan itu; to speak in a ~ voice, bercakap dgn suara yg tenang; keep ~, bertenang; remain ~, (terus) bertenang, tenang sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. on, memperbaik + approp n: this book should ~ you on in your English, buku ini seharusnya memperbaik penguasaan bahasa Inggerismu; ~ st on, a. cause st to begin, menyebabkan sst: cold weather has brought on his flu again, cuaca sejuk telah menyebabkan dia demam selesema semula; the incident could ~ on a riot, kejadian itu boleh menyebabkan rusuhan; b. cause plant to progress, menyebabkan sst tumbuh lebih cepat: the warm weather is ~ing on the crops, cuaca panas menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh lebih cepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | n 1. strength, might, kekuatan; (exerted by blow, wind, etc) kuatnya, kekuatan: he used all his ~ to break open the door, dia menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya utk memecahkan pintu itu; the ~ of her personality, kekuatan keperibadiannya; the ~ of his arguments, kekuatan hujah-hujahnya; the ~ of the gale ripped tiles off the roof, kuatnya ribut menerbangkan genting dr bumbung; 2. coercion, violence, kekerasan: the riot was quelled by ~, rusuhan itu ditumpaskan dgn kekerasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |