Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bellyachen (colloq) sakit perut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gripen 1. (usu in pl) colic, sakit perut yg /memulas(-mulas), memilin(-milin)/; 2. (colloq) complaint, grievance, sungutan, rungutan: his main ~ is the long working hours, sungutannya yg utama ialah masa kerja yg panjang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gobble 2 vi & vt (colloq) makan dgn gelojoh: don’t ~ your food or you’ll get stomach-ache!, jangan makan dgn gelojoh, nanti kamu sakit perut!;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gutn 1. (in pl) insides, isi perut; 2. (anat) intestine, usus; 3. ( in pl), (colloq) bowels or intestines, perut: I got a terrible pain in my ~s, perut saya sakit betul; 4. (in pl), (colloq) inside parts of (machine, building, etc) isi perut: the ~s of the computer, isi perut komputer; 5. (in pl), (colloq) berani: he doesn’t have the ~s to fight us, dia tak berani melawan kita; 6. (colloq) stomach esp when it sticks out, perut (buncit): his huge beer ~, perutnya yg buncit krn banyak minum bir; 7. also greedy guts (in pl), (colloq) glutton, pelahap; 8. string made from intestines of an animal (used for violin, tennis racket, etc) gat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gripingadj memulas-mulas: it could be gas that causes the ~ pain in the stomach, mungkin angin yg menyebabkan sakit yg memulas-mulas dlm perut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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