cross-purposes | n; be at ~, a. misunderstand each other, salah faham: we seem to be at ~, I thought you wanted to go to Bangkok, not Haadyai, kita ini salah faham, saya fikir kamu hendak ke Bangkok, bukan ke Haadyai; b. have conflicting desires, purposes, plans, etc, [various translations]: to work at ~, bekerja dgn tujuan yg berlainan; to talk at ~, bercakap tdk sehaluan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apparently | adv 1. obviously, nyata, jelas, ketara, terang-terang: she ~ misunderstood everything I said, jelas bahawa dia telah salah faham akan segala yg saya katakan; 2. seemingly, nampaknya, tampaknya, kelihatannya: a man who is ~ devoted to his family,lelaki yg nampaknya amat kasihkan keluarganya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | ~ out of, a. result from, arise, /berpunca, bermula/ drpd: the conflict grew out of a misunderstanding, konflik itu berpunca drpd salah faham; b. become too big for, tdk boleh lagi memakai: she has ~n out of all her old clothes, dia sudah tdk boleh lagi memakai semua pakaian lamanya; c. discard as one becomes older, meninggalkan: thank goodness he has ~n out of throwing tantrums, syukurlah dia telah meninggalkan tabiatnya yg suka memberang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elliptic(al) | adj 1. of an ellipse, berbentuk elips;2. (gram.) elipsis: ~ sentence, ayat elipsis; 3. difficult to understand, sukar difahami: his style is so ~ that the unsophisticated reader is easily misled, gayanya begitu sukar difahami sehingga pembaca yg tdk canggih mudah salah faham. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ through to, a. (of supplies, reinforcements, message, etc) arrive, sampai kpd: the goods eventually got through to her after having been sent to the wrong address, barang-barang itu akhirnya sampai kepadanya setelah dihantar ke alamat yg salah; your message did ~ through to me, pesan kamu sampai kpd saya; b. (of person) succeed in reaching, dapat sampai ke tempat: the rescuers got through to the trapped miners, pasukan penyelamat dapat sampai ke lohong tempat pekerja-pekerja lombong itu terperangkap; c. contact by telephone, radio, etc, menghubungi: I couldn’t ~ through to him because his telephone is out of order, saya tdk dapat menghubunginya krn telefonnya rosak; d. make (so.) listen to or understand what one is saying, membuat [sso] faham: he’s so pig-headed that there’s no ~ting through to him, dia begitu keras kepala sehingga tdk mungkin kami dapat membuat dia faham; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |