facsimile | n 1. exact copy, salinan tepat: ~ edition, terbitan salinan tepat; reproduce st in ~, membuat salinan tepat sst; 2. transmission and reproduction of material by radio, faksimile. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | n 1. reproduction of an original, salinan: make three copies of the letter, buat tiga salinan surat itu; certified ~, salinan yg sah; 2. imitation, tiruan: her dress is a ~ of a Paris model, bajunya adalah tiruan model Paris; 3. specimen, naskhah; (of photograph) keping: they ordered 500 copies of the book, mereka memesan 500 naskhah buku itu; a second-hand ~, naskhah terpakai; 4. material for publication, kopi: the feature writer is late with his ~, penulis rencana terlewat menghantar kopinya; fair ~, kopi bersih; good ~, bahan berita yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duplicate | adj 1. identically copied, pendua: a ~ copy of the agreement, salinan pendua surat perjanjian itu; a ~ key, kunci pendua; 2. in two parts, (dlm) dua salinan: the firm makes out ~ invoices, firma itu mengeluarkan invois dlm dua salinan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
another | pron 1. one more, /se + approp classifier, satu + approp classifier or n/ lagi; (of person ) se + approp classifier lagi: I have been given one copy, can I have ~?, saya telah mendapat satu salinan, bolehkah saya mendapat satu salinan lagi?; one wore black, ~ wore white, seorang memakai baju hitam, seorang lagi memakai baju putih; 2. a different one, n + (yg) lain: marriage is one thing, marriage without love is ~, perkahwinan adalah satu perkara, perkahwinan tanpa cinta adalah satu perkara lain; I have taken that route before, I will try ~, saya pernah melalui jalan itu dahulu, saya akan mencuba jalan yg lain; 3. someone like the first, pun /sama, sama juga, sama saja/: he’s a liar, you’re ~, dia pembohong, engkau pun sama saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certified | adj 1. attested formally, disahkan, diperakui: ~ copy, salinan yg disahkan; ~ cheque, cek yg diperakui; 2. officially declared insane, disahkan /gila, tdk siuman/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carbon copy | n 1. copy made by using carbon paper, salinan (karbon); 2. so., st very similar to another person or thing, (sso, sst) yg betul-betul menyerupai: she’s a ~ of her grandmother, dia betul-betul menyerupai neneknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carbon | n 1. (chem) karbon: ~ filament, filamen karbon; 2. carbon paper, kertas karbon; 3. carbon copy, salinan (karbon). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | adj 1. free from dirt, blemishes, bersih: a ~ pair of shoes, sepasang kasut yg bersih; ~ water, air bersih; ~ air, udara bersih; a ~ copy, salinan bersih; a ~ record, rekod bersih; 2. without anything written on it, kosong: a ~ sheet of paper, sehelai kertas kosong; 3. attentive to cleanliness, pembersih: (of animal) bersih: cats are such ~ animals, kucing ialah binatang yg cukup bersih; 4. not prohibited, boleh dimakan; (in Islam) halal; 5. neat, kemas: a boat with ~ lines, sebuah bot yg mempunyai bentuk yg kemas; 6. smart, adroit, kemas: a ~ backhand, pukulan kilas yg kemas; 7. even, regular, rata: the knife made a ~ cut, pisau itu memotong dgn rata; 8. morally pure, innocent, bersih, suci: a ~ life, kehidupan yg bersih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | vt 1. also ~ /down, out/, transcribe, menyalin: the pupils copied the formula from the blackboard, murid-murid menyalin formula dr papan hitam; 2. make a copy of, membuat salinan; 3. imitate, follow, meniru: none can ~ his style of writing, tiada sesiapa yg boleh meniru gaya penulisannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contract | n 1. any binding agreement, kontrak: he secured the ~ to build the bridge, dia mendapat kontrak utk membina jambatan itu; to enter into a ~, mengikat kontrak; to break a ~, memungkiri kontrak; marriage ~, kontrak perkahwinan; (in Islam) ijab kabul; 2. (document) surat kontrak: he has received his copy of the ~, dia telah pun menerima salinan surat kontraknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |