continuation | n 1. a. fact of continuing without interruption, berterusan berlanjutan, berlarutan; b. act of going on with, penerusan, meneruskan: the group called for a ~ of the reform programme, kumpulan itu menuntut supaya program pembaharuan diteruskan; 2. extension, sambungan: this stretch of road is a ~ of the North-South Highway, jalan ini ialah sambungan Lebuh raya Utara Selatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ball (and socket) joint | n 1. (mech) sambungan bebola dan soket; 2. (anat) sendi lesung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
connection, connexion | n 1. act of connecting, penyambungan; 2. association, relationship, hubungan, kaitan: the ~ between crime and poverty, kaitan antara jenayah dan kemiskinan; he no longer has any ~ with the Communist Party, dia tdk lagi mempunyai sebarang hubungan dgn Parti Komunis; 3. a. link between two wires, pipes, etc, sambungan: my computer won’t work. There must be a faulty ~ somewhere, komputer saya tdk berfungsi. Tentu ada sambungan yg rosak di mana-mana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |