come | ~ up to, a. reach, sampai ke: when the tide is in, the water comes up to his garden, apabila air pasang, air naik sampai ke halaman rumahnya; b. approach, (of person) menghampiri, mendekati, merapati; (of time) hampir: the child came up to her and kissed her on the cheek, anak itu mendekatinya lalu mencium pipinya; the time is coming up to midnight, waktu hampir tengah malam; c. equal, seperti: her work does not ~ up to the mark, kerjanya tdk seperti yg diharapkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrival | n 1. act of, a. (reaching destination, appearing on the scene) ketibaan, tiba, sampai: crowds of people watched the ~ of the guests, banyak orang yg memperhatikan ketibaan para tetamu itu; to wait for the ~ of fresh supplies, menunggu bekalan yg baru tiba; his unexpected ~ at the party caused quite a stir, ketibaannya yg tdk disangka-sangka di majlis itu menimbulkan kekecohan sedikit; b. (coming of season etc) ketibaan, sampai: torrential downpours signalled the ~ of the wet season, hujan lebat yg turun mencurah-curah menandakan ketibaan musim tengkujuh; c. (reaching an objective, end) mencapai; d. (colloq) being born, kelahiran; 2. time of arriving, waktu ketibaan: ~s and departures, waktu ketibaan dan waktu berlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. in general, pd keseluruhannya, (pd) umumnya; (at) ~ hours, bila-bila saja, (pd) setiap waktu; till ~ hours, /sampai, hingga/ larut malam; be ~ attention, memberikan perhatian penuh; be ~ ears, memasang telinga; be ~ eyes, melihat dgn mata terbelalak; be ~ smiles, tersenyum lebar; habislah sso; and ~, dan /semuanya, segala-galanya/: pythons swallow their victims whole: fur, claws, bones and ~, ular sawa menelan mangsanya bulat-bulat: bulu, kuku, tulang dan semuanya; and ~ that, dan sebagainya, dan seterusnya, dan lain-lain: we’ll put the soft drinks and cakes and ~ that on this table, minuman ringan, kek dan sebagainya kita letakkan di meja ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abeam | adv (of ship) di (sebelah) rusuk; (of island etc) di (sebelah) sisi: the island lay ~ of the ship, pulau itu terletak di rusuk kapal; at noon we came ~ of the island, pd waktu tengah hari kami sampai di sisi pulau itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kill | 4. fill in, pass, mengisi: two hours to ~ before the train arrives, dua jam utk diisi sebelum kereta api sampai; to ~ time, mengisi waktu; 5. slaughter for food, menyembelih; 6. defeat, veto, menewas | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ in, a. have fewer hours of daylight, (menjadi) singkat: the evenings drew in as winter approached, waktu malam menjadi singkat apabila musim sejuk hampir tiba; b. arrive, tiba, sampai: the train from Butterworth drew in a few minutes ahead of schedule, kereta api dr Butterworth tiba beberapa minit lebih awal dr jadualnya; ~ so. / in, into/, melibatkan sso dlm: we tried to ~ him into the discussion, kami mencuba melibatkannya dlm perbincangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | b. (cause) kerana, oleh sebab: it is impossible to reach the village ~ the road is blocked, tdk mungkin kita dapat sampai ke kampung itu kerana jalan ke sana terhalang; ~ you have apologized, I will forget the matter, kerana saudara telah meminta maaf, saya akan melupakan perkara itu; c. (circumstances), (foll pres p) oleh sebab, kerana: living in the city ~ I do, I am accustomed to such things, oleh sebab saya tinggal di kota besar, hal-hal spt itu sudah biasa bagi saya; 4. (indic time), a. when, (se)waktu, ketika, sambil: she smiled ~ she received the gift, dia tersenyum sewaktu (dia) menerima hadiah itu or dia menerima hadiah itu sambil tersenyum; b. also just ~, sebaik saja: just ~ the door opened, a rifle-shot rang out, sebaik sahaja pintu itu terbuka, kedengaran tembakan senapang; c. while, sewaktu, semasa, sambil: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | c. begin, mula: I got to like the place after a while, setelah beberapa lama, saya mula menyukai tempat itu; when he got to thinking about his children’s future..., apabila dia mula memikirkan ttg masa depan anak-anaknya...; ~ to work, mula bekerja, memulakan kerja; d. reach (part of book, point of argument, etc) sampai /ke, di/: it looks like they won’t ~ to that item on the agenda before lunch, nampaknya mereka tdk akan sampai ke acara tersebut dlm agenda sebelum waktu makan tengah hari; have you got to the most interesting part of the novel yet?, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |