about | adv 1. round, around, a. here and there, di sana-sini: there will be some thunderstorms ~ tonight, malam ini nanti akan berlaku ribut petir di sana sini; b. in various directions, ke sana sini, ke sana ke mari: the street was full of people running ~, looking for shelter, jalan itu penuh dgn orang yg berlarian ke sana sini mencari perlindungan; c. (implying aimlessness, idleness or diffuse action), [use reduplicated form of v]: I’ve been kept waiting ~ for too long!, sudah terlalu lama saya dibiarkan menunggu-nunggu saja!; 2. approximately, kira-kira, lebih kurang, sekitar: there were ~ fifty people present, ada kira-kira lima puluh orang yg hadir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | adv 1. on, to the farther side, di /(se)balik, sebelah/ sana; (of road, river, sea, etc) di seberang sana: I wonder what lies ~, apa agaknya yg terdapat di sebalik sana; a meadow with hills ~, tanah pamah dgn bukit-bukit di sebalik sana; the Indian Ocean and the lands ~, Lautan Hindi dan daratan di seberang sana; 2. further, selanjutnya, seterusnya: through secondary education and ~, melalui pendidikan menengah dan seterusnya; the 1980’s and ~, tahun-tahun 1980-an dan seterusnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | prep 1. on, to the farther side of, di /(se)balik, sebelah/ sana; (road, river, sea, etc) di seberang sana: ~ the Alps, di sebalik sana banjaran Alps; the countries ~ the Rhine, negara-negara di seberang sana sungai Rhine; 2. past, melewati; (rel to time) melebihi, melewati: the troops advanced ~ the border, pasukan tentera mara melewati sempadan; they stayed ~ the time limit, mereka tinggal di situ melewati tempoh yg ditentukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chasel | ~ /about, around/, rush about, around, berkejar ke sana ke mari: he was chasing all around the school to get the message to all the teachers, dia berkejar ke sana ke mari di sekolah itu utk menyampaikan pesan kpd semua guru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hither | adv (liter.) ke /mari, sini/: come ~, mari ke mari; ~ and thither, ke sana sini: the children ran ~ and thither, kanak-kanak itu berlari ke sana sini; come ~ look, renungan menggoda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intersperse | vt (usu pass.) 1. scatter, set here and there, terdapat di sana sini: there were tiny white dots ~d in the pattern, terdapat bintik-bintik putih pd corak itu; rows of coconut palms ~d with cocoa trees, pokok koko terdapat di sana sini dlm deretan pohon kelapa; the report was ~d with references, terdapat beberapa banyak rujukan di sana sini dlm laporan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
around | 5. here and there, a. at, in various places, di sana sini, di merata-rata tempat: scattered ~, tersebar di merata-rata tempat; b. to various places, ke merata-rata tempat, ke sana sini: to travel ~, mengembara ke merata-rata tempat; 6. to so’s house, place of work, etc, ke /rumah, pejabat, dll/ sso, [or not translated]: he came ~ to inspect the leak in the roof, dia datang (ke rumah saya) utk memeriksa atap yg bocor; 7. (colloq) in existence, circulation or activity, [no specif translation]; (when length of time is indic) berkecimpung dlm bidang + approp n: you won’t find furniture of this quality ~ nowadays, kamu tdk akan dapat mencari perabot yg bermutu spt ini sekarang or perabot yg bermutu spt ini tdk lagi dijual sekarang; he must be one of the best actors ~, dia tentulah salah seorang pelakon yg terbaik di antara yg ada; a singer who has been ~ for a number of years now, penyanyi yg telah berkecimpung dlm bidang seni suara selama beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | sana bukit; 13. (as intensifier) sungguh, sangat, amat; (with intensive adv), [not translated]: such a proposition is ~ absurd!, cadangan spt itu sungguh tdk masuk akal!; he’s ~ too smart for us, dia terlalu pintar bagi kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barge | vi; ~ about, merejah ke sana sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | adv 1. near, at hand, dekat (situ, sana): people standing ~, orang-orang yg berdiri dekat situ; /close, near/ ~, berdekatan, berhampiran; 2. past, lalu: he hurried ~ without a word, dia lalu tergesa-gesa tanpa sepatah kata pun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |