emotionally | adv 1. with regard to the emotions, dr segi emosi: ~ I agree with him but not logically, dr segi emosi saya bersetuju dgn dia tapi bukan dr segi lojik; 2. in an emotional manner, dgn penuh /emosi, perasaan/: she spoke ~about her father’s death, dia bercakap dgn penuh emosi ttg kematian ayahnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foursquare | adj 1. square-shaped, berbentuk segi empat dan kukuh: a large, ~ mansion, rumah besar berbentuk segi empat dan kukuh; 2. firm, solid, teguh: he stood ~ beside his friend through all his troubles, dia berdiri teguh di samping kawannya semasa kawannya menghadapi kesusahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facet | n 1. (of gemstone) segi: a diamond cut with fifty-six ~s, berlian yg dicanai lima puluh enam segi; 2. (of compound eye) faset; 3. aspect, aspek: to study every ~ of the problem, mengkaji setiap aspek masalah itu; the different ~s of his personality, aspek-aspek peribadinya yg berbeza; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethically | adv 1. in connection with ethics, dr segi etika: ~ speaking, what you did was wrong, dr segi etika, yg kamu lakukan itu salah; 2. in an ethical manner, menurut etika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
historically | adv 1. from the point of view of history, dr segi sejarah: ~ accurate, tepat dr segi sejarah; 2. in the past, menurut sejarah: ~, the two countries were enemies, menurut sejarah, kedua-dua negara itu bermusuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artistically | adv 1. from an artistic point of view, dr segi seni: ~, the exhibition was a success, dr segi seni, pameran itu berjaya; 2. in an artistic manner, secara artistik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apart | adj 1. individual, distinct, tersendiri: a race ~, bangsa yg tersendiri; 2. divided, divergent, berbeza dr segi pendapat: the parties involved in the negotiations are still miles ~, pihak-pihak yg terlibat dlm perundingan itu masih jauh berbeza dr segi pendapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
economically | adv 1. thriftily, dgn /jimat, hemat, cermat/; 2.> cheaply, tanpa /belanja yg banyak, banyak belanjanya/, dgn perbelanjaan yg /kecil, sedikit/: this machine can be ~ operated, mesin ini boleh dikendalikan tanpa belanja yg banyak; 3. from an economic standpoint, dr segi ekonomi: a country that is politically and ~ independent, sebuah negara yg bebas dr segi politik dan ekonomi; an ~ viable scheme, rancangan yg berdaya maju dr segi ekonomi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aspect | n 1. appearance to the eye, aspek: the physical ~ of the country, aspek fizikal negeri itu; 2. facet, phase, aspek, segi: other ~s of the employment conditions should also be considered, aspek-aspek lain ttg keadaan pekerjaan hendaklah dipertimbangkan juga; 3. way in which st may be considered, aspek, segi: to study the problem from various ~s, mengkaji masalah itu dr berbagai-bagai aspek; 4. facial expression, mien, wajah, roman, air muka, rupa, paras: a man with a gentle ~, seorang lelaki yg berwajah lembut; 5. position facing particular direction, /menghadap, mengarah, menghala/ ke: the block of flats has a northern ~, blok rumah pangsa itu menghadap ke utara; 6. side facing particular direction, bahagian: the dorsal ~ of a fish, bahagian dorsal ikan; 7. (gram.) aspek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumscribed | adj 1. (geom) terterap lilit: a ~ triangle, segi tiga terterap lilit; 2. restricted, terhad, terbatas: ~ freedom, kebebasan yg terhad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |