broadsheet | n terbitan lebar sehelai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grass | n 1. various green plants with bladelike leaves, rumput: a blade of ~, sehelai rumput; 2. any species of this, rumput: he experimented with different types of ~es, dia menjalankan uji kaji thdp berbagai-bagai jenis rumput; 3. lawn, rumput: you’re not supposed to walk on the ~, kamu tdk boleh berjalan di atas rumput; 4. pasture, padang ragut; 5. (sl) marijuana, marijuana: to smoke ~, menghisap marijuana; 6. (UK), (sl) informer, tali barut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blank | adj 1. not written or printed on, kosong: a ~ sheet of paper, sehelai kertas kosong; a ~ page, muka surat yg kosong; come up against a ~ wall, menemui kebuntuan; 2. not filled in or for filling in, kosong: a ~ form, borang kosong; a ~ ballot paper, kertas undi yg kosong; a ~ space, ruang kosong; 3. showing no expression, kosong: a ~ look, pandangan kosong; 4. disconcerted, termangu-mangu, terpinga-pinga: she looked ~, dia kelihatan termangu-mangu; 5. utter, complete, a. (of refusal, rejection, etc) bulat-bulat; b. (of astonishment) betul-betul, benar-benar; 6. devoid of ideas, kosong: his mind suddenly went ~, fikirannya tiba-tiba menjadi kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ by, tergantung-gantung pd: he was discovered along the cliff ~ing by a thick rope, dia dijumpai di tepi tebing tergantung-gantung pd tali yg tebal; ~ by a /hair, (single) thread/, seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut: his life hung by a hair, nyawanya seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | 4. new, another and different, baru: he took a ~ sheet of paper and started again, dia mengambil sehelai kertas baru dan bermula kembali; he saw ~ sights everyday, dia melihat pemandangan baru setiap hari; 5. more, further, lagi: can you please make me a ~ pot of coffee?, bolehkah buatkan saya seteko kopi lagi?; 6. (of water) not salty, tawar: fish bred in ~ water, ikan yg diternakkan dlm air tawar; 7. bright and clear, segar: a ~ morning in spring, pagi yg segar pd musim bunga; 8. cool, invigorating, segar, nyaman: a ~ breeze, bayu segar; he went out into the ~ morning air, dia keluar utk menghirup udara pagi yg segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | n 1. something that overlays, conceals, a. (gen) penutup: a plastic sheet was used as a ~ for the table, sehelai plastik digunakan sbg penutup meja itu; b. lid, tutup, tudung: a box ~, tutup kotak; c. (of book) kulit; d. (of chair, cushion, etc) sarung: we need new chair ~s, kami memerlukan sarung kerusi baru; e. (bed) tutup tilam; f. (vegetation, snow, etc) litupan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extra | an ~ st, se + (classifier) + n lagi, [sometimes satu + n lagi]: take along an ~ blanket in case it gets very cold at night, bawalah sehelai selimut lagi kalau-kalau cuaca menjadi sangat sejuk pd waktu malam; have you got an ~ pen?, saudara ada sebatang pen lagi or satu pen lagi?; I have an ~ pair of gloves, if you need them, saya ada sepasang sarung tangan lagi, jika kamu memerlukannya; ~ work for ~ pay, bekerja lebih utk mendapatkan gaji lebih: he was prepared to do ~ work for ~ pay, dia membuat kerja lebih utk mendapatkan gaji lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dainty 1 | adj 1. delicately beautiful, a. (of person) ayu, kecil molek; b. (of thing) cantik: a ~ blouse, sehelai blaus yg cantik; a ~ piece of furniture, perabot yg cantik; 2. easily broken, injured, mudah + approp v: ~ coffee cups, cawan kopi yg mudah pecah; the ~ stalk of the flower, tangkai bunga yg mudah patah; 3. fastidious, cerewet (ttg makanan), memilih makanan: some cats are ~ feeders, sesetengah kucing cerewet ttg makanan; 4. delicious, lazat, sedap, enak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dip | vt 1. immerse temporarily, mencelupkan: ~ the prawns in batter before frying, celupkan udang dlm tepung sadur sebelum menggorengnya; 2. dye, mencelup: to ~ a garment, mencelup sehelai baju; 3. lower to reduce brightness, merendahkan: she ~ped the headlights as they approached the house, dia merendahkan lampu puncak apabila mereka menghampiri rumah itu 4. put (hand) into, menyelukkan: he ~ped his hands into his pocket, dia menyelukkan tangannya ke dlm saku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
design | n 1. (gen) reka bentuk: dress ~, reka bentuk pakaian; a machine of faulty ~, jentera yg cacat reka bentuknya; the building lacks ~, reka bentuk bangunan itu tdk memuaskan; graphic ~, reka bentuk grafik; industrial ~, reka bentuk perusahaan; 2. pattern, corak: a piece of material with a ~ of roses, sehelai kain yg mempunyai corak bunga ros; 3. the art of designing, seni reka bentuk: a course in graphic ~, kursus seni reka bentuk grafik; 4. intention, tujuan, maksud: his ~ to defraud the company was forestalled, tujuannya utk menipu syarikat itu dipintas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |