will 1 | 6. (no pt; injunction) mesti; (fml) diminta: all prisoners ~ return to their quarters immediately, semua tahanan mesti kembali ke tempat masing-masing sekarang juga; he ~ do as I tell him, or suffer the consequences, dia mestilah mengikut perintah saya; kalau tdk, dia akan menanggung akibatnya; you ~ all rise when the judges enter, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian diminta berdiri apabila para hakim masuk; 7. (in polite formulas, often in negative and/or interrog form), a. (stressed and followed by question tag; functions as reminder), [imper v + “ya?”]: you ~ tell me if the fever increases, won’t you?, beritahulah saya kalau demam kamu semakin kuat, ya?; you won’t forget to post that letter, ~ you?, jangan lupa pos surat itu, ya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
at | prep 1. (place) di: there’s someone ~ the door, ada orang di pintu; this bus stops ~ the library, bas ini berhenti di perpustakaan; he’s still ~ the party, dia masih di pesta; we’ll meet ~ Lina’s, kita berjumpa di rumah Lina; I bought it ~ Johnson’s, saya membelinya di kedai Johnson; 2. (time) pada [often omitted in colloq speech] (rel to age) semasa: she arrived ~ six o’clock, dia tiba pd pukul enam; this shop is always open ~ night, kedai ini selalu dibuka (pd) malam hari; ~ (the age of) sixty, semasa berumur enam puluh tahun; 3. (cause, source of action) apabila, ketika: ~ a signal from their leader, the students moved forward, apabila pemimpin mereka memberi isyarat, sekalian mahasisiwa itu maju ke depan; ~ the first bell you must stop writing, apabila loceng pertama berbunyi, kamu mesti berhenti menulis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |