irregular | adj 1. uneven, lacking symmetry, a. (in size, shape) tdk /sama, sekata/; (tech) tak sekata: the boxes are ~ in size, saiz kotak-kotak itu tdk sama; the shape of the leaf is ~, bentuk daun itu tak sekata; ~ figures, rajah tak sekata; b. (of hemline) tinggi rendah, tdk sama: the dress has an ~ hemline, paras lipatan bawah baju itu tinggi rendah; c. (of coastline) bengkang-bengkok; d. (of facial features, face) herot, tdk simetri; e. (of surface) tdk rata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irregularity | n 1. state, quality of being uneven, a. (in size, shape) tdk /sama, sekata/; (tech) ketaksekataan; b. (of hemline ), (keadaan) /tinggi rendah, tdk sama/; c. (of coastline), (keadaan) bengkang-bengkok; d. (of facial features, face), (keadaan) /herot, tdk simetri/; e. (of surface), (keadaan) tdk rata, tdk ratanya; f. (of teeth), (keadaan) tdk teratur, tdk teraturnya; 2. state, quality of being uneven in duration, continuity, order, tdk tetap: the~ of his heartbeat, degupan jantungnya yg tdk tetap; 3. state, quality of being, a. (not in accordance with the law) luar aturan; b. (not in accordance with accepted habits, norms, etc) menyimpang drpd kebiasaan; 4. st that is not in accordance with the rules, accepted habits, norms, etc, perkara yg tdk kena: there are several irregularities in the document, terdapat beberapa perkara yg tdk kena dlm dokumen itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irregular | 3. a.> (not in accordance with the law) luar aturan: the marriage was found to be ~, perkahwinan itu didapati luar aturan; b. (not in accordance with accepted habits, norms, etc) menyimpang dr kebiasaan: their behaviour was most ~, kelakuan mereka menyimpang dr kebiasaan; to lead an ~ life, menjalani kehidupan yg menyimpang dr kebiasaan; he uses ~ methods to achieve his aims, dia menggunakan kaedah yg menyimpang dr kebiasaan utk mencapai matlamatnya; 4. (gram.) tak sekata: an ~ verb, kata kerja tak sekata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agree | vi 1. assent, bersetuju: the army ~d to withdraw from the area, pasukan tentera itu bersetuju utk berundur dr kawasan itu; to ~ to a proposal, bersetuju dgn sst cadangan; 2. hold similar opinion, bersetuju, bersependapat: she ~d with her husband that the car was too expensive for them, dia bersependapat dgn suaminya bahawa kereta itu terlalu mahal bagi mereka; be ~d, bersetuju: we are all ~d that the project is feasible, kami semua bersetuju bahawa projek itu dapat dilaksanakan; 3. reach an agreement, mencapai persetujuan, bersetuju: we could not ~ as to what measures should be taken, kami tdk dapat mencapai persetujuan ttg apakah langkah-langkah yg perlu diambil; ~ to /differ, disagree/, bersetuju utk /berbeza, tdk bersetuju, berlainan pendapat/; 4. get along, sekata, secocok: they will never ~, mereka itu tdk akan sekata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
its | poss pron -nya: a town renowned for ~ magnificent cathedral, bandar yg terkenal krn gerejanya yg sangat indah; the cat licked ~ paw, kucing itu menjilat tapak kakinya; the municipality is not making much headway with ~ plan to restore some of the old buildings in the town, majlis perbandaran itu tdk mencapai kemajuan yg pesat dlm rancangannya utk membaik pulih bangunan-bangunan lama di bandar itu; this beauty cream is light and non-greasy; ~ blend of emollients penetrates deep into the skin, krim kecantikan ini ringan dan tdk berminyak; campuran emoliennya meresap hingga ke bahagian dalam kulit; the Daihatsu Charade has maintained ~ sleek and smooth design concept, kereta Daihatsu Charade telah mengekalkan konsep reka bentuknya yg rapi dan sekata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |