glimpse | n 1. momentary, incomplete view, sepintas lalu, sekali imbas, /selayang, sekilas/ pandang: as they were so far away, they only had a brief ~ of the film star, oleh sebab mereka berdiri terlalu jauh, mereka hanya nampak bintang filem itu sekali imbas; /catch, get/ a ~ of /so. st /, nampak /sso, sst/ /sepintas lalu, sekali imbas, selayang pandang, sekilas pandang/: he caught a ~ of Normah as she passed by, dia nampak Normah selayang pandang semasa dia lalu; to get a ~ of the sea, nampak laut sepintas lalu; 2. flash, bayangan sekilas: the old diary gave them a ~ of the past, buku harian tua itu memberikan bayangan sekilas ttg masa lampau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sight | at first ~, a. when first seen, /sekali, sekilas, selayang/ pandang, sepintas lalu: at first ~ the village seemed quite ordinary, sekali pandang kampung itu kelihatan biasa sahaja; b. at first meeting, pertama kali berjumpa: I disliked him at first ~, pertama kali berjumpa saya tdk menggemarinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleeting | adj a. lasting only a short time, sekejap; (of glimpse, glance) sepintas lalu, sekilas (lalu), /sekilas, selayang /pandang, sejenak, seketika: he paid them a visit, dia melawat mereka sekejap sahaja; she gave the passport no more than a ~ glance, dia hanya memandang pasport itu sejenak; a ~ romance, percintaan kilat; for a ~ moment, buat seketika: for a ~ moment I thought he was going to hit me, buat seketika saya fikir dia hendak menumbuk saya; b. ephemeral, sekejap, sebentar: the ~ beauty of autumn, kecantikan musim gugur yg sekejap sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
first | ~ thing, (colloq) pertama sekali; (early in the morning) pagi-pagi: l’ll ring you ~ thing tomorrow, pertama sekali esok, saya akan telefon kamu; ~ things ~, yg dahulu didahulukan, yg dulu didulukan; at ~ glance, see at ~ sight (sense a.); at ~ hand, a. directly, (secara) langsung: I heard the news from Cyril at ~ hand, saya mendengar berita itu langsung drpd Cyril; b. through own experience, drpd pengalaman [sso] sendiri: he knew at ~ hand what it was like to be one of Hitler’s victims, drpd pengalamannya sendiri, dia tahu bagaimana rasanya menjadi mangsa Hitler; at ~ light, pd waktu /subuh, dinihari/; at ~ sight, a. when first seen, /sekali, sekilas, selayang/ pandang, sepintas lalu: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |