barefaced | adj 1. (of person) tdk (tahu) malu, bermuka /tebal, tembok/: a ~ liar, pembohong yg tdk tahu malu; 2. (of action, word) secara /terang-terang, tdk berselindung(-selindung) lagi/: a ~ lie, bohong secara terang-terang; a ~ fraud, penipuan secara tdk berselindung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bald | adj 1. without hair (ref to person, head) botak; 2. without feathers, fur, tdk berbulu: there is a ~ spot on the animal’s back, ada tompok tdk berbulu pd belakang binatang itu; 3. without trees etc, gondol: a ~ mountain, gunung yg gondol; 4. not covered with grass, tdk berumput: ~ patches on the field, tompok-tompok tdk berumput di padang; 5. without leaves, gondol: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg gondol; 6. (of tyre) botak, tdk berbunga, licin; 7. plain, sahaja, hanya ... sahaja: a ~ statement of fact, hanya pernyataan fakta sahaja; 8. blatant, terang-terangan, tdk berselindung-selindung: a ~ lie, dusta yg terang-terangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |