entire | adj 1. whole, seluruh; (of a set of st) lengkap; (of period of time) seluruh, sepanjang: the ~ city was destroyed in the earthquake, seluruh bandar raya itu musnah dlm gempa bumi tersebut; these new developments have changed the ~ situation, perkembangan-perkembangan baru ini telah mengubah seluruh keadaan; the ~ governing mechanism is corrupt, seluruh mekanisma kerajaan itu korup; she spent the ~ time in the garden, dia menghabiskan seluruh waktu itu di taman; the ~ day, sehari suntuk, seharian: we took the ~ day to repair the engine, kami mengambil masa sehari suntuk utk membaiki enjin itu; 2. total, sepenuhnya: they seemed to be in ~ agreement with us, nampaknya mereka bersetuju sepenuhnya dgn kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | ~ and soul, (seluruh) jiwa raga: he flung himself into the project ~ and soul, dia menceburkan diri dlm projek itu dgn seluruh jiwa raganya; heavenly bodies, cakerawala; keep ~ and soul together, menyara hidup: she hardly earns enough to keep ~ and soul together, pendapatannya hampir tdk mencukupi utk menyara hidup; to have ~, (of wine, whisky, etc), (full-bodied) sedap dan berperisa; (strong) kuat perisanya; in a ~, bersama-sama, dlm satu kelompok: they marched to the town hall in a ~, mereka berjalan bersama-sama ke dewan bandaran; over my dead ~, langkah mayatku dulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | put o’s ~ and soul into, menumpukan seluruh jiwa raga thdp: he put his ~ and soul into welfare work, dia menumpukan seluruh jiwa raganya thdp kerja-kerja kebajikan; set o’s ~ on, a. (st) berkenan pd: if you’ve set your ~ on this house, we won’t look any further, jika kamu sudah berkenan pd rumah ini, tdk perlu kita mencari-cari lagi; b. (doing st) /benar-benar, betul-betul/ berhasrat utk : she has set her ~ on becoming a doctor, dia benar-benar berhasrat utk menjadi doktor; o’s ~ is not in st, hati sso tdk sepenuhnya pd sst: his ~ is not in his work, hatinya tdk sepenuhnya pd kerjanya; take ~, jangan putus asa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
internationally | adv 1. from an international point of view, di seluruh dunia: an ~ known journalist, wartawan yg terkenal di seluruh dunia; 2. in an international way, at an international level, di peringkat antarabangsa: it was ~ agreed that..., telah dipersetujui di peringkat antarabangsa bahawa.... | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | ~ one (to so.) sama saja (bagi sso); ~ out, (ber)mati-matian, (ber)habis-habisan: our team must go ~ out to win, pasukan kita harus berusaha bermati-matian utk menang; [see also ALL-OUT adj]; ~ over, a. (of place) i. everywhere, merata-rata, di merata(-rata) tempat, di serata tempat; (on, in every part of body etc) seluruh, serata: I’ve looked ~ over for you, saya sudah mencari kamu merata-rata; her body was bruised ~ over, seluruh badannya lebam-lebam; the gown was covered ~ over with sequins, seluruh gaun itu dihiasi labuci; ii. everywhere in, di /seluruh, merata(-rata), serata/, di /merata(-rata), serata/ tempat di; (as intensifier), [various translations]: ~ over the world, di seluruh dunia; you’ve got mud ~ over our shoes, kasutmu berlumuran lumpur; there are ants ~ over the food, makanan itu dikerumuni semut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agog | adj excited, menjadi ghairah: the whole town was ~, seluruh bandar itu menjadi ghairah; ~ for news, amat menginginkan berita: they were ~ for news from home, mereka amat menginginkan berita dr kampung; ~ to hear etc (st), amat ingin mendengar dll (sst); set st ~, menyebabkan sst menjadi ghairah: the announcement set the city ~, pengumuman itu menyebabkan penduduk bandar menjadi ghairah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | a wire fence ~es round the whole area, pagar dawai mengelilingi seluruh kawasan itu; b. move round a place, membelok di sst: as we went round the corner the car tyres screeched, semasa kami membelok di selekoh itu tayar kereta berciut; c. visit or be shown around st, melawat sst: several dignitaries have ~ne round the International Exposition, beberapa orang kenamaan telah melawat Ekspo Antarabangsa itu; d. see ~ about (sense b.); e. see ~ about (sense c.); enough to ~ round, cukup utk semua orang: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debility | n lemah: a disease that causes general ~, penyakit yg menyebabkan seluruh badan menjadi lemah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | a man who gave all his free time to his profession, lelaki yg mengorbankan seluruh masa lapangnya demi profesionnya; 12. cause to feel, membuat [sso] berasa [adj], sso berasa [adj]: seeing her grandchildren play ~s her a lot of pleasure, dia berasa amat seronok melihat cucu-cucunya bermain; 13. cause to be infected with, get, berjangkit; (pain, headache, etc), /menyebabkan, membuat/ [n] sakit, [n] sakit: he’s ~n me his cold, selesemanya telah berjangkit kpd saya; staying out in the sun ~s me a headache, berjemur menyebabkan kepala saya sakit or kepala saya sakit jika saya berjemur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allure | n daya /penarik, tarikan/: she exercised all her ~ on him, dia menggunakan seluruh daya penariknya utk memikat lelaki itu; the old house has an indefinable ~, rumah tua itu mempunyai daya tarikan yg sukar hendak diterangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |