issue | there will be an ~ of commemorative stamps to mark the occasion, setem kenang-kenangan akan dikeluarkan sempena perayaan itu; day of ~, hari [sst] dikeluarkan: I bought the stamp on the day of ~, saya membeli setem itu pd hari setem tersebut dikeluarkan; c. (publishing) penerbitan; d. (offering securities for sale to investors) terbitan: the ~ of more shares would certainly surprise the brokers, penerbitan lebih banyak lagi saham tentu saja akan memeranjatkan para broker; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | give o’s word of ~, bersumpah; have the ~ of, (as request) sudikah; hold so. in great ~, sangat menghormati sso; I have the ~ to /inform, submit, etc/, dgn segala hormatnya saya /memaklumkan, membentangkan, dll/; (in) ~ bound, demi menjaga /nama baik, kehormatan, maruah/; in ~ of, sbg penghormatan sempena; (so.) sbg penghormatan kpd: the assembly was held in ~ of the King’s visit, perhimpunan itu diadakan sbg penghormatan sempena lawatan Raja; on o’s ~, on o’s trust, sso (telah) berjanji: I’m on my ~ not to reveal anything, saya telah berjanji tdk memberitahukan apa-apa; point of ~, soal /maruah, kehormatan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after | 8. following in excellence, importance, selepas: he ranks Jonson ~ Shakespeare, dia meletakkan Jonson selepas Shakespeare; the most celebrated surgeon ~ Dr. Christian Barnard, pakar bedah yg paling masyhur selepas Dr. Christian Barnard; 9. in the manner, style of, mengikut: a painting ~ Van Gogh, lukisan yg mengikut gaya Van Gogh; 10. with the name of, sempena: she was named ~ her aunt, dia diberi nama sempena nama emak saudaranya; 11. (US) past the hour of, [not translated]: ten ~ nine, pukul sembilan sepuluh minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriately | adv sesuai: to be ~ dressed, memakai pakaian yg sesuai; a formal style ~ chosen for the subject, gaya formal yg dipilih sesuai dgn pokok persoalan; a hospital that is ~ named after its founder, hospital yg diberi nama yg sesuai sempena nama pengasasnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | vt 1. bring, carry, membawa: they came ~ing gifts for the bride, mereka datang membawa hadiah utk pengantin perempuan; 2. support (without giving way) menahan: the bridge will not ~ the weight of the vehicle, jambatan itu tdk dapat menahan berat kenderaan tersebut; 3. shoulder, assume, be accountable for, memikul, menanggung: as a managing director, he ~s heavy responsibilities, sbg pengarah urusan, dia memikul tanggungjawab yg berat; the management agrees to ~ part of the expenses for the anniversary dinner, pihak pengurusan bersetuju menanggung sebahagian drpd perbelanjaan utk majlis makan malam sempena ulang tahun itu; 4. suffer, be subjected to, menanggung, menderita: the guilty have to ~ the consequences of their misdeeds, yg bersalah harus menanggung akibat drpd perbuatan salah mereka; some companies went bankrupt while many others had to ~ heavy losses, beberapa buah syarikat jatuh bankrap sementara banyak lagi yg terpaksa menanggung kerugian besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honour | n 1. nobleness, mulia: prophets are men of ~, para rasul ialah orang yg mulia; 2. great respect, penghormatan: it was the ~ of winning that was important to him, not the prize, yg penting baginya ialah penghormatan krn menang, bukan hadiahnya; 3. good name, nama baik, kehormatan, maruah: to fight for a country’s ~, berjuang utk mempertahankan maruah negara; he felt that his ~ had been tarnished, dia merasakan nama baiknya telah tercemar; a woman’s ~, kehormatan sso wanita; 4. privilege, distinction, penghormatan: he was given the ~ of carrying the Olympic torch, dia diberi penghormatan membawa obor sukan Olimpik; 5. thing given to honour so., anugerah, kurnia(an): birthday ~s, kurniaan sempena hari keputeraan; 6. so. or st that brings credit, kebanggaan: he is an ~ to his profession, dia menjadi kebanggaan profesionnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |