irresistible | adj 1. overpowering, overwhelming, tdk dapat /ditahan, menahan/: the temptation to buy it was just~, keinginan utk membelinya tdk dapat ditahan or saya tdk dapat menahan keinginan utk membelinya; those chocolates are ~, saya tdk dapat menahan keinginan utk memakan coklat itu; 2. very alluring, fascinating, sangat /menawan, menarik/; (of person’s wit etc) sangat menarik: he obviously found her ~ as he never left her side, jelas dia mendapati gadis itu sangat menawan krn dia senantiasa berada di sisinya; 3. that cannot be prevented or stopped, tdk dapat dibendung: the pressure for change was almost ~, desakan utk pembaharuan hampir tdk dapat dibendung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | ~ the more so, lebih-lebih lagi, apa(tah) lagi: he enjoys visiting Malaysia, ~ the more so if durians are in season, dia suka mengunjungi Malaysia, lebih-lebih lagi kalau durian sedang bermusim; ~ the same, a. unimportant, tdk menjadi hal: it’s ~ the same to me whether he lives or dies, tdk menjadi hal bagi saya sama ada dia hidup atau mati; b. nevertheless, juga, walaupun begitu, namun (begitu): the weather was terrible, but the ceremony went ahead ~ the same, cuaca buruk sekali, tetapi upacara itu diteruskan juga; c. (in expression of thanks), [not translated]: “Would you like to smoke?” “No, thanks ~ the same.”, “Mahu rokok?” “Tidak, terima kasih.”; ~ the time, a. continuouslyi, tdk berhenti-henti; (fml) senantiasa: he practises ~ the time, dia tdk berhenti-henti berlatih; b. see ALONG; ~ told, a. in total, (ke)semuanya: ~ told, 25 people lost their lives, semuanya 25 orang telah terkorban; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |