actress | n pelakon (wanita), seniwati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cynosure | n tumpuan: the beautiful actress was the ~ of all eyes, seniwati yg jelita itu menjadi tumpuan mata semua orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpret | 3. perform (work of art) in a way that shows how one feels about it, mempersembahkan; (role) membawa /watak, peranan/: to ~ a ballad in dance, mempersembahkan balada dlm bentuk tarian; I did not care for the way he ~ed the sonata, saya tdk suka cara dia mempersembahkan sonata itu; the young actress ~ed the role of Cleopatra very well, seniwati muda itu membawa watak Cleopatra dgn baik sekali; 4. translate, menterjemahkan: everything he said had to be ~ed, semua yg dikatakannya perlu diterjemahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
characterization, characterisation | n 1. delineation of character, gambaran sifat; 2. description, penyifatan: the ~ of de Sade as the incarnation of the devil, penyifatan de Sade sbg penjelmaan syaitan; 3. distinction by means of characteristic, pencirian; 4. (on stage etc), /pembawaan, perlakonan/ watak: the actress’s ~ of Juliet, pembawaan watak Juliet oleh seniwati itu; 5. creation of fictitious characters, perwatakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | adj 1. delighting the eye, a. (gen) cantik: a ~ vase, jambangan bunga yg cantik; ~ flowers, bunga-bunga yg cantik; a ~ horse, kuda yg cantik; that’s a ~ car, cantik kereta itu; b. (of woman) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan: a ~ actress, seniwati yg cantik; c. (of face) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan; d. (of eyes, hands, legs, etc) cantik: ~ brown eyes, mata berwarna coklat yg cantik; e. (of building, place, scenery) indah, cantik: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | n 1. picking out by chance, cabutan; (lottery) cabutan loteri: he was lucky in the first ~, dia bertuah dlm cabutan yg pertama; a lucky ~, cabutan nombor bertuah; when will the ~ take place?, bilakah cabutan loteri itu akan diadakan?; 2. tie, seri: the match ended in a ~, pertandingan itu berakhir dgn seri; 3. person, thing that attracts, tarikan: the well-known actress was a ~ at the concert, seniwati terkenal itu merupakan satu tarikan di konsert tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | come to a ~, a. sudah hampir meletus; b. (fig.) meruncing: the unrest in the country has come to a ~, keadaan gelisah di negara itu kini telah meruncing; cost so. his ~, mengorbankan nyawa sso; /cry, eat, talk/ o’s ~ off, /menangis, makan, bercakap/ semahu-mahunya; do a ~ count, kira berapa orang; fall ~ over heels, a. jatuh tunggang terbalik; b. esp fall ~ over heels in love, benar-benar jatuh cinta: he has fallen ~ over heels in love with the actress, dia telah benar-benar jatuh cinta pd seniwati itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drape | b. hang st over, menggantung sst pd: to ~ white curtains over the window, menggantung langsir putih pd tingkap; c. hang or allow st to rest loosely over, menyangkut sst pd; (of arm, feet) menjuntaikan pd: his coat was ~d over the back of the chair, kotnya disangkut pd belakang kerusi; he sat down, draping his legs over the arms of the chair, dia duduk sambil menjuntaikan kakinya pd lengan kerusi; ~ o’s arms round, memeluk, memaut: the actress ~d her arms round his neck, seniwati itu memaut lehernya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
characterize, characterise | vt 1. delineate character of, a. (so.) menggambarkan sifat: he ~d the historical figure in great detail, dia menggambarkan sifat tokoh sejarah itu dgn panjang lebar; b. (st.) menggambarkan ciri; 2. describe, menyifatkan: he immediately ~d her as a fool, dia segera menyifatkan gadis itu sbg orang yg bodoh; 3. mark, distinguish, mencirikan: the disease is ~d by high fever and a rash, penyakit itu dicirikan oleh demam panas dan ruam; 4. (on stage etc), /membawa, melakonkan/ watak: the actress ~d Elizabeth I very successfully, seniwati itu membawa watak Elizabeth I dgn jayanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |