delicate | 11. given to or marked by elaborate tact, discreetness, keen sensitivity, a. (of person) sensitif: a book that is not to be recommended to the ~ reader, buku yg tdk sesuai disyorkan kpd pembaca yg sensitif; b. (of feeling, mind, etc) sensitif; c. (of action), [various translations]: their conversation could hardly be described as ~, perbualan mereka tdk sopan; a ~ refusal, menolak secara lembut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insensitive | adj 1. unaffected by physical sensation or impression, tdk /peka, sensitif /: local anaesthetic makes the gum ~ to pain, anestetik setempat menjadikan gusi tdk peka thdp kesakitan; the material is ~ to light and heat, bahan itu tdk peka thdp cahaya dan haba; 2. unaffected by, tdk /peka, sensitif/: to be ~ to criticism, tdk peka tdhp kritikan; 3. uncaring, tdk /mempedulikan, menghiraukan/ perasaan orang lain: a cold, ~ man, lelaki yg dingin dan tdk mempedulikan perasaan orang lain; she was too ~ to realize the embarrassment she had caused, dia begitu tdk mempedulikan perasaan orang lain utk menyedari keaiban yg disebabkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hypersensitive | adj 1. very easily hurt, terlalu sensitif: she is ~ to criticism, dia terlalu mudah tersinggung thdp kritikan; 2. (med) hipersensitif, hiperpeka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hypersensitivity, hypersensitiveness | n 1. condition of being easily hurt, keadaan [sso] yg terlalu sensitif; 2. (med) kehipersensitiviti, kehipersensitifan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explosive | adj 1. of, involving, characterized by an explosion, letupan, ledakan: ~ force, daya letupan; 2. tending to explode, mudah meletup: ~ chemicals, bahan kimia mudah meletup; 3. potentially violent, mudah /meledak, meletus/: the political situation in the country is ~, situasi politik di negara itu mudah meledak; that’s an ~ issue, itu isu yg mudah meledak; 4. (of issue, subject) very controversial or sensitive, amat sensitif; 5. quick to anger, panas baran: he has an ~ temper, dia panas baran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exercise | vt 1. make use of, a. (power, influence, right, judgement discretion, etc) menggunakan: everyone should ~ his right to vote, semua orang mesti menggunakan haknya utk mengundi; it is necessary to ~ the utmost discretion when making these inquiries, adalah perlu menggunakan kebijaksanaan yg sepenuhnya apabila membuat pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu; b. (leniency, caution, patience, tolerance) bersikap [adj], ber- [adj]: you will have to ~ patience with him, kamu mesti bersikap sabar dengannya; this is a very sensitive issue and one must ~ great caution in dealing with it, ini ialah isu yg sensitif dan kita mesti berhati-hati dlm menanganinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. round, a. revive so., menyedarkan sso: they brought him round with a dash of water, mereka menyedarkannya dgn sejirus air; b. persuade so., meyakinkan sso: he brought his father round to his opinion, dia meyakinkan bapanya supaya menerima pendapatnya; ~ st round, a. cause st to be delivered etc, membawa sst: the postman ~s round the letters twice a day, posmen membawa surat dua kali sehari; b. cause st to turn, (boat), /mengalih, mengubah/ haluan sst; (conversation), /mengarahkan, mengalih/ sst: he brought the boat round and headed for home, dia mengalih haluan perahunya dan menuju ke rumah; she brought the conversation round to less sensitive topics, dia mengarahkan perbualan itu kpd perkara-perkara yg tdk begitu sensitif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |