grin | n broad smile, senyum(an) lebar, sengihan, seringai: she stood there, with a ~ on her face, dia berdiri di situ dgn senyum lebar; break into a ~, tersenyum lebar, tersengih, terseringai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | ~ a smile, /menggagahi, memaksa/ diri utk senyum; ~ o’s way in, through, etc, merempuh + approp v: a group of students ~d their way into the faculty’s offices, sekumpulan penuntut merempuh masuk ke pejabat fakulti; the army unit ~d its way through the jungle, pasukan tentera itu merempuh melalui hutan rimba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheese | n keju: grated ~, keju parut; say ~, senyum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissemble | vt menyembunyikan: he smiled in an effort to ~ his disappointment, dia senyum utk mencuba menyembunyikan kekecewaannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conspiratorial | adj 1. suggesting conspiracy, berpakat: a ~ smile, senyum berpakat; 2. of conspirators or conspiracy, sulit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conciliatory, conciliative | adj utk berdamai; (of words) menenteramkan: a ~ smile, senyum utk berdamai; ~ words, kata-kata yg menenteramkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | b. despite, /meskipun, sungguhpun, walaupun/ menghadapi: he succeeded in the ~ of difficulties, dia berjaya meskipun menghadapi kesukaran; keep a straight ~, menahan /senyum, ketawa/, menyembunyikan rasa geli hati; laugh in so’s ~, mentertawakan sso; look so. in the ~, /memandang (ke) muka, menenung, merenung/ sso: since that episode at the club, I just cannot look him in the ~, selepas episod di kelab itu, saya tdk dapat memandang mukanya; lose ~, jatuh air muka, (mendapat) malu; /make, pull/ /a ~, ~s/, membuat muka; meet so. ~ to ~, /bertemu muka, bersemuka/ dgn sso; on the ~, (pd) muka: the shrapnel struck him on the ~, serpihan dr letupan itu terkena mukanya; on the ~ of it, pd /zahirnya, lahirnya/: on the ~ of it, the problem looks easy, pada zahirnya masalah itu kelihatan mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instead | she didn’t smile when we told her the news. I~ her face crumpled and she began to cry, dia tdk senyum apabila kami menyampaikan berita itu. Sebaliknya, mukanya berkerut dan dia mula menangis; ~ of, dan tidak; (preceding v and occurring at beginning of sentence) daripada; (preceding n or pron) dan bukan: they had tea in the garden ~ of in the dining room, mereka meminum teh di taman dan tidak di bilik makan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complacent | adj (usu derog) berpuas hati, berasa puas hati; (of smile) puas: after working for five years, he became ~ about his accomplishments, selepas lima tahun bekerja, dia berasa puas hati dgn pencapaiannya; a ~ smile, senyum puas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benevolent | adj 1. disposed to do good, (bersifat) suka membuat /kebaikan, kebajikan/: a ~ old man, lelaki tua yg suka membuat kebaikan; 2. kindly, baik hati: a ~ attitude, sikap baik hati; ~ smile, senyum(an) mesra; 3. charitable, kebajikan: a ~ fund, tabung kebajikan; ~ society, persatuan kebajikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |