high time | adv sepatutnya sudah lama: it’s ~ she got married, she’s nearly forty, sepatutnya sudah lama dia berkahwin, umurnya hampir empat puluh tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
behove, (US) behoove | vt (fml & old-fashioned) sepatutnya, seharusnya: it ~s me to work harder, sepatutnya saya bekerja lebih kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratuitous | adj 1. (fml & derog) unwarranted, uncalled for, tdk sepatutnya + approp v: a ~ insult, kata-kata kesat yg tdk sepatutnya diluahkan; we must put a stop to this ~ acts of vandalism, kita mesti menghentikan perbuatan-perbuatan laku musnah yg tdk sepatutnya berlaku ini; 2. (rare) without payment or obligation, percuma: ~ advice, nasihat percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deserve | vt patut, sepatutnya: he ~s a good spanking, dia patut dipukul; her claims ~ attention, tuntutannya patut diberi perhatian; ~ /well, ill/ of, /patut, sepatutnya/ /diperlakukan, tdk diperlakukan/ dgn baik: he ~s well of his country, dia patut diperlakukan dgn baik oleh negaranya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duly | adv 1. in the proper manner, spt yg sepatutnya: a representative was ~ elected, seorang wakil dilantik spt yg sepatutnya; 2. at the proper or expected time, tepat pd /waktunya, masanya/: the rent was always ~ paid, sewa selalu dibayar tepat pd waktunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decency | n 1. propriety, kesopanan: an act that violates ~, satu perbuatan yg melanggar kesopanan; should have the ~ to, sepatutnya: he should have had the ~ to tell his parents where he was going, sepatutnya dia beritahu ibu bapanya ke mana dia hendak pergi; 2. (in pl) social conventions, tatasusila, kesusilaan: to observe the common decencies, mematuhi tatasusila yg lazim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | keep ~, menjaga kesihatan: the doctor declared him ~ to play in the final, doktor mengesahkan bahawa dia cukup sihat utk bermain dlm pertandingan akhir; 3. right and proper, sepatutnya, sewajarnya: he did not think ~ to see her, dia fikir sepatutnya dia tdk berjumpa dgn wanita itu; it is not ~ that you should treat him so, kamu tdk sepatutnya memperlakukannya demikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | ~ and proper, sewajarnya, sepatutnya: since you were driving the car it’s only ~ and proper that you should pay the fine, oleh sebab kamu yg memandu kereta itu, sewajarnyalah kamu yg membayar dendanya; ~ for a king, sangat mewah: he was given a hotel room ~ for a king, dia diberi bilik hotel yg sangat mewah; ~ to drop, /setengah, separuh/ mati: I’ve worked in the garden until I’m ~ to drop, saya bekerja di kebun hingga setengah mati; ~ to explode, spt hendak meletup; ~ to wake the dead, bagai hendak pecah telinga: the noise of the traffic here is ~ to wake the dead, kebisingan lalu lintas di sini bagai hendak pecah telinga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justly | adv 1. fairly, secara /adil, saksama/: I feel he has acted ~, saya rasa dia telah bertindak secara adil; 2. deservedly, memang sepatutnya: he was debarred from the club, and ~ so, dia tdk dibenarkan masuk ke kelab itu, sepatutnya begitulah; 3. reasonably, memang patut: he was ~ nicknamed “Scrooge”, memang patut dia diberi nama julukan “Scrooge”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
further | vt melanjutkan: these talks should ~ the cause of peace, perundingan ini sepatutnya melanjutkan usaha utk mencapai keamanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |