good | 11. thorough, complete, betul-betul; (of cry, laugh) sepuas-puasnya, puas-puas; (of beating, thrashing), (dgn) teruk: he took ~ care not to offend anyone, dia memastikan betul-betul bahawa dia tdk menyinggung perasaan sesiapa pun; take a ~ look at the picture, lihat lukisan itu betul-betul; after he left, we had a ~ laugh, selepas dia pergi kami ketawa sepuas-puasnya; the home team suffered a ~ beating, pasukan tuan rumah kalah teruk; take ~ care of /so., st/, menjaga /sso, sst/ /baik-baik, elok-elok, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | have no ~, tdk /ada hak, mempunyai hak, berhak/ utk: you had no ~ meddling in my daughter’s affairs, kamu tdk ada hak utk campur tangan dlm hal anak saya; in ~, berniaga; like nobody’s ~, (colloq), [various translations]: he was spending money like nobody’s ~, dia membelanjakan wangnya macam air; I saw her in the restaurant, eating like nobody’s ~, saya nampak dia di restoran itu, sedang makan dgn sepuas-puas hati; we have been working like nobody’s ~ to get the job finished on time, kami bekerja bersungguh-sungguh utk menyiapkan kerja ini tepat pd waktunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | n 1. full supply, sepenuh + approp n ref to container: a ~ of tobacco, tembakau sepenuh paip; another ~ of petrol, petrol sepenuh tangki lagi; 2. earth etc used to fill cavity, bahan /tambak, timbus/; /eat, drink, etc/ o’s ~, /makan, minum, dll/ /sepuas-puasnya, sampai puas, semahu-mahunya, sekenyang-kenyangnya, sampai kenyang/; have o’s ~ of /so., st/, /muak, puas/ dgn /sso, sst/, /muak, puas/ + approp v, puas + approp adj: I’ve had my ~ of this bad weather, saya puas dgn cuaca buruk ini; I’ve had my ~ of disappointments, saya puas kecewa or saya puas mengalami kekecewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |