submission | 3. st sent in this way, serahan: this ~ is sent together with the plan, serahan itu dikirim berserta pelan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | d. (sending forth ball etc) menghantar; 2. periodical performance of distributing letters etc, serahan: he makes two deliveries daily, dia membuat serahan dua kali sehari; 3. manner of speaking, penyampaian: the content of his lecture was good but his ~ was pathetic, isi syarahannya baik tetapi penyampaiannya mengecewakan; 4. (leg.) handing over, transferring of property, deed, etc, menghantar serah; 5. (sport) manner of sending forth ball etc, hantaran, balingan: a fast ~, hantaran yg pantas; a high ~, hantaran yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | n 1. act of, a. (distributing letters, groceries, etc) penghantaran, penyerahan; (attrib) serahan, penyerahan: prompt ~, penyerahan segera; the first ~ is at 9 o’clock, penghantaran pertama ialah pd pukul 9; ~ service, perkhidmatan serahan; ~ note, nota serahan; ~ order, arahan penyerahan; accept ~ of st, menerima sst; on ~, waktu terima: payable on ~, dibayar waktu terima; take ~ of, menerima; b. (giving birth) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia susah bersalin; c. (rescuing, liberating) menyelamatkan, pembebasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general delivery | n (US) serahan am. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediate | adj 1. accomplished, needed without delay, segera: an ~ reply, jawapan segera; for ~ delivery, utk serahan segera; this should be enough for her ~ needs, ini seharusnya cukup utk keperluan segeranya; ~ action, tindakan segera; with ~ effect, dgn segera; 2. most direct, langsung: the blow on the head was the ~ cause of death, pukulan kpd kepalanya itu adalah sebab langsung kematiannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 4. not bring, (on purpose) meninggalkan; (by accident) tertinggal: I told her I would ~ the keys in the drawer, saya memberitahunya yg saya akan meninggalkan kunci di dlm laci itu; where have I left my umbrella?, di mana saya tertinggal payung?; 5. deposit, meninggalkan: the delivery boy left the parcels at the front door, budak serahan meninggalkan bungkusan di pintu hadapan; please ~ your phone number with my secretary, sila tinggalkan nombor telefon tuan pd setiausaha saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | n 1. good example, precedence, teladan: we look to him for a ~, dialah yg kami jadikan teladan; to follow so’s ~, mengikut teladan sso: many are following that company’s ~ by introducing delivery services to the customers, banyak yg telah mengikut teladan syarikat itu dgn memperkenalkan perkhidmatan serahan kpd pelanggan; 2. piece of evidence, clue, petunjuk: the detectives are following up a new ~, detektif-detektif itu sedang menyusuli beberapa petunjuk baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 4. not bring, (on purpose) meninggalkan; (by accident) tertinggal: I told her I would ~ the keys in the drawer, saya memberitahunya yg saya akan meninggalkan kunci di dlm laci itu; where have I left my umbrella?, di mana saya tertinggal payung?; 5. deposit, meninggalkan: the delivery boy left the parcels at the front door, budak serahan meninggalkan bungkusan di pintu hadapan; please ~ your phone number with my secretary, sila tinggalkan nombor telefon tuan pd setiausaha saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | n 1. good example, precedence, teladan: we look to him for a ~, dialah yg kami jadikan teladan; to follow so’s ~, mengikut teladan sso: many are following that company’s ~ by introducing delivery services to the customers, banyak yg telah mengikut teladan syarikat itu dgn memperkenalkan perkhidmatan serahan kpd pelanggan; 2. piece of evidence, clue, petunjuk: the detectives are following up a new ~, detektif-detektif itu sedang menyusuli beberapa petunjuk baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |