awkward | 5. embarrassed, serba salah; (attrib) dlm keadaan serba salah: she felt ~ about asking him for the loan, dia berasa serba salah utk meminjam wang daripadanya; an ~ silence followed his outburst, mereka terdiam dlm keadaan serba salah setelah dia menghamburkan kata-kata itu; 6. requiring tact, delicate, sulit: an ~ diplomatic situation, keadaan diplomatik yg sulit; ~ customer, a. so. who is difficult to deal with, (orang yg) banyak kerenah; b. animal that is dangerous to deal with, binatang yg berbahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difficult | be in a ~ position, (dlm keadaan) serba salah; make life ~ for so., menyusahkan hidup sso; place so. in a ~ position, menyebabkan sso serba salah: the arrival of her ex-husband placed her in a ~ position, ketibaan bekas suaminya menyebabkan dia serba salah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dilemma | n dilema, keadaan serba salah: there seemed to be no way out of the ~, nampaknya tdk ada jalan keluar drpd dilema itu; place so. in a ~, /menyebabkan, membuat/ sso berada dlm /dilema, keadaan serba salah/; on the horns of a ~, dlm /dilema, keadaan serba salah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | ~ and easy, serba santai: he leads a ~ and easy sort of life, hidupnya serba santai; ~ /from, of/, a. not spoilt, troubled, harmed, encumbered, etc by, bebas dr: at last he was ~ of her, akhirnya dia bebas daripadanya; he is seldom ~ from worries, dia jarang bebas dr kebimbangan; b. without, lacking, tdk ada, tdk ber [n]: the road is now ~ of obstructions, jalan itu tdk ada halangan sekarang ini; a piece of wood ~ of knots, sebatang kayu yg tdk berbuku-buku; ~ of charge, percuma; ~ of /tax, duty /, bebas cukai; feel ~ (to do st), (colloq) silakan (berbuat sst): feel ~ to use my typewriter, silakan menggunakan mesin taip saya; /get st, work / for ~, (colloq), /mendapat sst, bekerja/ dgn percuma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
all-round | adj 1. competent in many things, serba boleh: an ~ student, penuntut yg serba boleh; 2. comprehensive, inclusive, menyeluruh: an ~ reduction in price, penurunan harga yg menyeluruh; an ~ education, pendidikan yg menyeluruh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | in the ~ of luxury, dlm / serba mewah, kemewahan/: she was raised in the ~ of luxury, dia dibesarkan dlm serba mewah; in the ~ of the gods, di tangan Tuhan: whether he succeeds is in the ~ of the gods, sama ada dia berjaya atau tdk semuanya di tangan Tuhan; /dump, drop/ st in so’s ~, (colloq) longgokkan sst di bahu sso: if you think you’re going to dump this job in my ~, forget it, kalau kamu fikir kamu hendak longgokkan kerja ini di bahu saya, boleh jalanlah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dither | n (colloq) state of nervousness, agitation, keadaan serba tak kena; all of a ~, in a ~, serba tak kena; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beggarly | adj 1. poverty-stricken, (dlm keadaan) /papa kedana, melarat, sangat miskin, serba kekurangan/: ~ living conditions, keadaan hidup yg serba kekurangan; 2. ungenerous, inadequate, tdk seberapa, tdk memadai sama sekali: to work for ~ wages, bekerja dgn mendapat upah yg tdk seberapa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freewheeling | adj serba bebas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprived | adj serba kekurangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |