grave 2 | adj 1. solemn, serius: the judge looked ~ as he passed sentence on the accused, hakim itu kelihatan serius ketika menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas yg tertuduh; ~ thoughts, fikiran yg serius; 2. quality of needing urgent attention, serious, serius; (of news) merunsingkan; (of offence, charge, accusation, etc) serius, berat; (rel to illness or a sick person’s condition) serius, teruk; (of responsibility) berat; (rel to danger) besar: he wanted to discuss a ~ matter with his lawyer, dia hendak berbincang ttg perkara yg serius dgn peguamnya; the country’s political situation is very ~, keadaan politik negara itu amat serius; a ~ error, kesilapan yg serius; this is a very ~ charge, ini satu tuduhan yg sangat serius; the patient’s condition is still ~, keadaan pesakit itu masih teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
austere | adj 1. stern, forbidding, serius: an ~ expression, air muka yg serius; an ~ headmistress, seorang guru besar yg serius; 2. ascetic, spt seorang zahid; (of person) hidup spt seorang zahid: to lead an ~ life, hidup spt seorang zahid; 3. severely simple, sangat sederhana: an ~ meal, hidangan yg sangat sederhana; an ~ style of painting, cara melukis yg sangat sederhana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easygoing | adj (of person) tdk serius: he’s ~, dia tdk serius. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intense | 3. (of person) having feelings that are deep and forceful, penuh perasaan; (about st) terlalu serius: a serious, ~ young man, anak muda yg serius dan penuh perasaan; she is too ~ about the whole thing, dia terlalu serius ttg perkara itu; 4. showing feelings that are deep and forceful, penuh perasaan: his style is ~ and dramatic, gaya penulisannya penuh perasaan serta dramatik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravely | adv 1. in a serious and solemn manner, dgn serius: he looked at me very ~, dia memandang saya dgn amat serius; 2. critically, teruk: the old man was ~ ill, orang tua itu sakit teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frivolous | adj 1. a. (of person), (light-hearted, fun-loving and silly) gemar bersuka-suka; (not serious, flippant) tdk serius, semberono: a serious man who could not stand ~ women, lelaki serius yg tdk tahan dgn perempuan yg gemar bersuka-suka; when asked about her future plans she suddenly laughed and became ~, apabila ditanya ttg rancangan masa depannya, dia tiba-tiba ketawa dan menjadi tdk serius; b. (of remark, criticism, etc) semberono, sambil lewa, sambalewa: ~ replies, jawapan-jawapan semberono; 2. silly and trifling, a. (of activity) semberono: she made it plain that, for her, going to parties was a ~ way of spending o’s time, dia menyatakan dgn jelas bahawa, baginya, menghadiri majlis merupakan cara semborono utk sso menghabiskan masa; b. (of object) remeh-remeh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frivolity | n 1. (gaiety) keriangan; (lack of seriousness) sikap /tdk serius, semberono/: his ~ on such a solemn occasion was not only out of place but also annoying, sikap semberononya dlm majlis yg penuh khidmat begitu bukan sahaja tdk kena tempatnya tetapi juga menjengkelkan; 2. (usu pl), (frivolous comments) perkara yg tdk serius; (frivolous activities) kegiatan yg seronok-seronok; (frivolous things) benda-benda yg tdk penting: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jest | half in ~, half in earnest, separuh bergurau, separuh serius; in ~, secara bergurau: spoken in ~, diucapkan secara bergurau; be a standing ~, menjadi bahan ketawa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grimness | n 1. seriousness (of expression) keseriusan, serius, garang: the ~ of the man’s expression frightened her, keseriusan air muka lelaki itu menakutkannya; 2. unpleasantness, kesusahan, keperitan: Shahnon Ahmad depicted the ~ of a farmer’s life in one of his novels, Shahnon Ahmad menggambarkan keperitan hidup seorang petani dlm salah sebuah novelnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delinquency | n behaviour that is socially or legally unacceptable, delinkuens: juvenile ~, delinkuens juvenil; delinquencies often grow into serious crimes, delinkuens selalunya menjadi jenayah yg serius. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |