some | pron 1. a number of people or things, /sesetengah, setengah-setengah/ + approp n: ~ say he was murdered by his own son, sesetengah orang mengatakan bahawa dia telah dibunuh oleh anaknya sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handicap | n 1. disability, kecacatan: it’s possible to correct some physical ~s surgically, setengah-setengah kecacatan fizikal dapat dipulihkan melalui pembedahan; 2. disadvantage, hambatan: poor eye sight is a ~ especially in this type of job, penglihatan yg kabur ialah satu hambatan terutama sekali dlm pekerjaan spt ini; 3. disadvantage imposed on better competitor, handikap; 4. competition where handicaps are imposed, perlawanan yg diberi handikap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blend | vi 1. mix together thoroughly, bersebati: some kinds of tobacco do not ~ well, setengah-setengah jenis tembakau tdk bersebati dgn baik; 2. also ~ in, harmonise, berpadu: the choir’s voices ~ beautifully, suara koir itu berpadu dgn merdu; that colour ~s with the colour of your hair, warna itu berpadu dgn warna rambut saudari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half | adj 1. being one of two (approx) equal parts, setengah, separuh; (of measurement) setengah: he got a ~ share of the estate, dia mendapat setengah bahagian drpd harta itu; a ~ chicken, setengah ekor ayam; a ~ dozen, setengah dozen; ~ an hour, setengah jam; ~ the children in the class fell sick, separuh drpd kanak-kanak di dlm kelas itu jatuh sakit; he spends ~ his time playing golf, dia menghabiskan setengah drpd masanya bermain golf; 2. partial, [various translations]: the painter did only a ~ job on my walls, tukang cat itu hanya mengecat dinding rumah saya separuh jalan; ~ knowledge can be dangerous, pengetahuan yg tdk mendalam boleh mendatangkan bahaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | vi 1. become old, menjadi tua: he ~d rapidly after his illness, dia cepat menjadi tua selepas sakit; 2. mature, menjadi matang: some wines ~ better than others, setengah-setengah wain menjadi matang lebih baik drpd yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | vi 1. undergo combustion, be or be set on fire, terbakar: the house was ~ing and there were cries for help, rumah itu terbakar dan kedengaran jeritan minta tolong; some wood ~s easily, setengah-setengah kayu mudah terbakar; that material won’t ~, bahan itu tdk boleh terbakar; 2. emit light, menyala, bernyala: the lights in the house ~ed all night, lampu-lampu dlm rumah itu menyala sepanjang malam; the fire ~ed brightly, api itu bernyala dgn maraknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half | n 1. one of two (approx) equal parts, setengah, separuh; (in measurement) setengah: two is ~ of four, dua adalah setengah drpd empat; ~ of the staff are on leave, separuh drpd kakitangan sedang bercuti; the first ~ of the course is to be completed in one year, separuh pertama kursus itu akan diselesaikan dlm masa setahun; a kilo and a ~, satu kilo setengah; 2. either of two parts, bahagian: you take the bigger ~, I’m not so hungry, kamu ambillah bahagian yg lebih besar, saya tdk begitu lapar; first ~, separuh pertama; second ~, separuh kedua; 3. (in games, matches) separuh masa: the first ~, separuh masa pertama; the second ~, separuh masa kedua; 4. see HALF-BACK; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emulate | vt 1. attempt to equal or excel, mengikut (jejak): he is determined to ~ the successful writer, dia berazam hendak mengikut jejak penulis yg berjaya itu; 2. rival, compete with, menyaingi, menandingi: some fashion designers try to ~ those of Paris, setengah-setengah pereka fesyen mencuba menyaingi pereka-pereka fesyen di Paris. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | vt 1. perceive physical sensation, (be)rasa: he felt a sudden pain in his chest, dia berasa sakit yg tiba-tiba di dlm dadanya; he could ~ the cord biting into his wrists, dia dapat rasa tali itu mencerut pergelangan tangannya; 2. be sensitive to, (be)rasa: some people ~ the heat more than others, setengah-setengah orang berasa panas lebih drpd orang lain; 3. examine by touching, merasa: the doctor felt his pulse, doktor merasa denyutan nadinya; 4. have an emotional sensation of, merasakan: she felt the insult deeply, dia sangat-sangat merasakan penghinaan itu; everyone could ~ the tension in the room, setiap orang dapat merasakan suasana tegang di dlm bilik itu; 5. have the impression, merasakan, rasa: they ~ that he should resign, mereka merasakan bahawa dia patut meletakkan jawatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appendage | n 1. adjunct, subordinate part, [various translations]: the ballet was once just an ~ to the opera, tarian ballet pd suatu ketika merupakan hanya satu acara sampingan opera; a house and its ~s, rumah dgn ruang-ruang tambahan; some of the directors complained that they were treated as mere ~s, setengah-setengah pengarah merungut bahawa mereka dianggap sbg orang-orang yg tdk penting; 2. (zool) apendej. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |