disloyal | adj a. (gen) tdk setia; he is never ~ to his friends, dia tdk pernah tdk setia kpd kawan-kawannya; b. (to king, leader, husband) tdk /taat, taat setia, setia/: ~ subjects, rakyat yg tdk taat setia; c. (to country) tdk /taat setia, setia/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friend | n 1. so. whom one knows well, intimate, kawan; (rather fml) sahabat: he has always been a loyal ~ to me, dia selalu menjadi kawan setia saya; 2. acquaintance, rakan, kawan, teman; (liter. or dated) taulan, handai; (collectively) sahabat handai, handai taulan: her ~s came from all over the country to attend her wedding, rakan-rakannya datang dr seluruh negeri utk menghadiri majlis perkahwinannya; 3. patron, lover, peminat: ~s of the theatre, peminat teater; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faithful | adj 1. remain loyal, constant, true, a. (to so.) setia: a ~ friend, kawan yg setia; she was a ~ wife, dia isteri yg setia; b. (to cause, principles, etc) berpegang teguh: he was always ~ to his principles, dia sentiasa berpegang teguh kpd prinsipnya; be ~ in the observance of st, taat mengerjakan sst; be ~ to o’s promise, menepati janji sso; 3. trustworthy, boleh dipercayai: a ~ witness, saksi yg boleh dipercayai; 4. accurate, tepat: ~ in every detail, tepat dlm segala perincian; 5. true to the facts, setia: a ~ description, pemerian yg setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constant | adj 1. unchanging, tetap, malar: to drive at a ~ speed, memandu dgn kelajuan yg tetap; ~ temperature, suhu malar; 2. continuous, sentiasa; (of chattering, complaint, interruption) tdk /putus-putus, henti-henti/: she needs ~ attention, dia sentiasa memerlukan perhatian; her ~ complaints irritated her husband, rungutannya yg tdk putus-putus menjengkelkan suaminya; 3. faithful, setia: a ~ friend, kawan setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
FALSE | adj 1. not true or correct, tdk benar, salah: a ~ impression, gambaran yg salah; 2. untruthful, palsu: ~ promises, janji-janji palsu; ~ testimony, bukti yg palsu; 3. fake, forged, palsu: ~ eyelashes, bulu mata palsu; ~ signature, tandatangan palsu; 4. forced, dibuat-buat, pura-pura: ~ modesty, sikap merendahkan diri yg dibuat-buat; 5. faithless, tdk setia: a ~ friend, kawan yg tdk setia; 6. delusive, memperdaya: ~ hopes, harapan yg memperdaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |